#wekeeprunning - a movement to support the running/racing industry
The Fundraiser + Platform to support the racing industry in the US - #wekeeprunning - is going live at wekeeprunning.org, using Runsignup . We are looking for RD’s and causes to support and spread the word on and hopefully benefit from this movement. Things may gear up a little slowly but hoping to be in full swing in the coming weeks. Please reach out on the webpage or to [email protected] if you want to be a part. This works a few ways:
1) People can buy #wekeeprunning merch and donate into a general fund. We hope this will share the positive message and get people spreading the positive message as a community. Merch is limited now but will grow based on demand and feedback.
2) People will very soon be able to subscribe to a club to get special deals on races, information, etc – we are looking for virtual races, events, causes who are willing to offer discounts to club members (preferably on RSU as it is automatic to give club discounts), or else some other added incentive to be decided, i.e. a coupon code blast to individual runners, etc. Again preference will be given to RDs on RSU due to ease of execution, but is NOT a blocker. In addition to the above we are hoping to come up with some other virtual challenges etc to encourage runners to join.
3) Proceeds from both of the above will go to support the below:
4) We will be vetting individual causes/virtual runs to add to direct, pass-through (in the case of non-profits), or indirect for-profit (negotiable but nominal cut taken) fundraising on RSU. Many of these causes will be supplemented by the general fund, especially if they are in need of a ‘bump’ to pass their finish line. Causes will be vetted on criteria including but not limited to:
a. Were funded and prepared to operate but have been drastically affected by COVID-19.
b. Are active in their local community regularly / year-round and this continued activity is being threatened.
c. Communities actively under lockdown, heavily economically affected, and/or chosen as an area of focus by donors.
d. Have actively exhausted or are working to exhaust other channels but are having this immediately impact their ability to keep functioning and supporting their community.
e. Have active campaigns in the virtual, tech, online space that will keep going right now, and are continuing to work to promote these causes during the COVID 19 outbreak.
f. Are having their infrastructure strained by the demand caused by changes in usage patterns.
5) In addition to the above and the race cancellation data list at onpathevents.com/cancelled, we will be building a list of resources, links, and best practices to share openly with the community.
Things may be a little slow as we get geared up, but hopefully we can change lives and support the community one race (event/cause) at a time. Please reach out here or at [email protected] if you want to be a part.