Weizhen  Tang at the trial - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012 (6)

Weizhen Tang at the trial - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012 (6)

So I have no intention, never to defraud any investor, I gave all money. I want to make people happy , you know.

In the last ten years since 1999, you know when my investors lose money,  I took the loss and paid for it. I always pay and promise to pay it. You cannot find anybody like this.

Q. Okay. You will recall that there was some

5         focus in Mr. Deverteuil's accounting report of that million dollar commission?

A.   Yes.

Q. Ms. Lu testified that was a million dollar investment to your account January 29, 2009, but I understand

10   it's your position throughout that that was a million dollar commission that you had made her five million on a side account with IB International?

A.   Exactly . I tried very hard to convince her to invest one million dollars from Oversea Chinese Limited

15   Partnership and make that one million dollars to five million dollars, I get one million dollars commission from that five million dollars profit.

Q. Can I see exhibit 84 please, Madam Registrar? I just want to show you it at Tab 16.  When you say

20   that you were paying back investors, are these some of the investors itemised in Tab 17?

A.   Yes, exactly . When Lucy give me one million dollars then I pay to all my investors, everybody you know, waiting for payment.   Actually Lucy had promised me more money to pay my investors ause she suddenly think it's her


W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012

opportunity to force me to stop.

Q. You see that million dollars?

A. Yes, this is one million dollars.

Q. This is Tab 16 - sorry, Your Honour - Tab

5         16, not 17.

A. Yes, this is one million dollars.

Q. And then you see a list of investors names, there is a Lee, there is a Hi, there is a Jong, and if you could slide that up a little bit?

10                    A. This Jong (ph), he lives in Vancouver, and Hi (ph) is one of the big investor , he inv est millions of dollars and Ti (ph) is a businessman here, and Young is another, all my investors.

Q .       It's your testimony that when you received

15   this one million dollars commission you testified it's your





You are actually using tht money to pay back






So it's scr o lling it away?


You see, the OSC and the Crown think I used

the investors money to pay investors, this is my own money I made from the market to pay investors.

Q. There is some more names at the bottom of


W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy)

Monday, October 15, 2012

the page at the end. These are all investors?

A.   All investors, yes. I want to make the investors happy, anything they wanted, anyway they want it.                   I

don't want any money myself.  I enjoy to be successful, that's

5          all I want. I want to work and have...

Q. It's your testimony too when you are sponsoring and funding and investing in these three Chinese New Years and the 4/13 march to Parliament Hill, it's your testimony that you are doing this to help people or is it also

10   a sales...

A.   Helping people, just like show my social skill because also the Chinese community needed somebody have the experience in the market and ideas from what I learned to help the community. When I was doing this I was just trying to

15   test my theory and practice my experience and apply it to the community, I never thought about this would be for my business. Actually, eventually come back to help my business.

Q. So when you say helping, in terms of raising

their spirits?


A. Yes.

People are very psychic, people -

somebody especially April 13 people cannot sleep in few days. When I was doing this people got united in the spiritual life, mobilised. And the economy too, like every event there is three to five hundred people participating, you know, to perform; you will see the performance there.


W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012

Q.        But why a rally on Parliament Hill for the Chinese Olympics? Is that because that China was being criticised on the human rights front?  What was the inspiration?

5                                              A. The media say attack the Chinese government,

you know, kill people.  That's not truth. But you know, the

monkey or somebody did it themselves, but it was media distorted, say the Chinese government is bad, the Chinese

government violated human rights.  You know, now we want the

10   truth out, so everybody want to give the truth, everybody want the public to know, we are nice people, we respect human rights, we do lot of work to help the community.

Q. All right. So your position is that there

was unjust Canadian media criticism of the Chinese Olympic?

15                    A.

Yes, exactly.

Media always report something

bad. There is no, you know - what is it called - objective.     I have details of videotape from the beginning to the end.

Q. Okay. Well do that at perhaps tomorrow.

But, Your Honour, we are finish this portion?

20                    THE COURT: Yes, it's almost one o'clock. break for lunch.     Two fifteen please.

L t's


W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012

--- Jury leaves courtroom

MR. BOUSHY:  Your Honour, if I can address the court on one small matter.

5                                              It's my intention as amicus, to help Mr. Tang continue along with his further

examination-chief by meeting with him, but it's my intention that once the cross-exa mination commences that I am not to have any meetings

10                    with him whatsoever.  I wanted to clear that with the court beforehand so that there is no appearance of me trying to help him with his previous evidence

THE COURT: That's appropriat e. I guess in

15                    effect Mr. Tang would be entitled to a

re-exa mination subject to the cross -ex amination of the Crown, so I think that after the

cross -examination of Mr. Tang you can certainly consult with him if you felt it was necessary.

20                    MR. BOUSHY: Thank you very much Your Honour.



W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012

ON RESUMPTION: 2:25 p.m.


Q. So Mr. Tang, the 2007, 2008 and 2009 New

5         Year's events, you were one of the main investors?

A.   Yes.

Q.        Right. Is there anyone investing more than you in these New Year's events?

A. It's called a Canadian Chinese New Year's

10   show. I invested and a lot of people sponsor, there were a lot of sponsors. Lots of other activities but nothing like this big high-end.

Q. Okay. So would you say you are the sole or the main investor?

15                    A. Yes, the main investor.

Q. Sole investor?

A. Yes.

Q. Of the 2007, 2008, 2009 New Year's event ?

A. Yes.

20                    Q. Now, these aren't small events, these are huge events in the Chinese community?

A.   Yes.

Q. They are attended by how many people, Mr.


A. It 1 s like, it's thirteen hundred each.


W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012

Q. Thirteen hundred or thirteen thousand?

A. Thirteen hundred. The VIP tickets four hundred dollars per ticket.

Q. All right. So this is the magazine here

5         advertising the Lunar New Year's show; correct?

A.   Actually we are partner. This is a fashion magazine...high-end. They have all our content in this magazine as their content, so actually there are lots of...each one of this five hundred, thousand dollars for this. So you

10   see Mr. Kenny Wan, he at least put a thousand dollars to have

this kind of sponsorship.

Q. And in fact, this was, I gather so important to the Chines e people you would actually have letters from government officials?

15                    A. Yes, the Prime Minister, yes.

Q.       You want to show the jurors the letter?

A. Yes. This is from the Prime Minister.

Because this event is so popular and so, you know, all levels of government know and all government have a letter from the

20   Prime Minister, Auditor General.

Q. And y ou are saying you are the sole investor

of this event?

A.   Yes, yes .

Q . You wan t to read the Prime Minister's letter



W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012

A.   Okay.

I am pleased to extend my warmest greeting to everyone attending the 2008 Canadian Chinese New Year's Show in Toronto.

5                                                          Tonight's events welcome the New Year with celebration of the rich culture that are integral part of Chinese culture.  As you mark the Year of the Rat I know that you will take time to recognize the important

10                         role of the Chinese Canadian in the development of our nation's culture and economic landscape. To reflect upon the good fortune we all have to live in one of the most privileged nation on earth. I

15                         would like to thank the organizer of this event for their commitment to share the beauty of Chinese tradition with their fellow Canadian. I have no doubt that audience will be delighted in the

20                         exceptional showcas e of colourful costumes , brilliant choregraphy and outstanding music performance.

On behalf of the Government of Canada please accept my best direct.


W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012


The Honourable Stephen Harper

Q.            Okay. If you flip the page you got letters

A.   Chinese Government.

5                                              Q. And then flip the page again, I think there is the Premier of Ontario?

A.   Yes, the Premier of Ontario, Dalton


10    McGuinty?



Q. Can you read the letter from Premier

A. Yes.

February 2, 2008

On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am delighted to extend warm greetings to everyone attending the 2008 Canadian Chinese Lunar New Year's Show .          Ours is the province that speaks every language, serve every culture and value every individual.

This diversity gives us our character, ou r heart . Ontario is the best place in the world because it embrace what is best in

the world . The 2008 Canadian Chinese Lunar

New Year's Show is a wonderful example of

diversity. The Chinese Canadian community

has done so much to enrich Ontario


W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012

socially, cultural ly and economically. Ontarians join you in celebrating tonight's much anticipated events.

New Year festivities are ideal way to reinforce the

5                                                          spirit, hope and the optimism at the time of fresh beginning.   This celebration remind us of the vision, the potential we will share as Ontarians, that we can accomplish anything when we work, dream and build together.

Please accept my best wish for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year of the Rat.

15                      Dalton McGuinty, Premier

Q.                                                       And so your testimony, Mr. Tang , is that you are the sole investor for this New Year's celebration?

A. Yes, sole investor.

Q. T hat 's your testimony?

20                                                               A. Yes.

MR. BOUSHY: Okay. If we can make this the next exhibit, Your Honour.

THE COURT: Exhibit 86.

- -- EXHIBIT 86:     Magazine - Lunar New Year Show


W. Tang - in-chf. (Boushy) Monday, October 15, 2012


Q. And I understand, Mr. Tang, you would like some photos introduced speaking to your good character in

helping the community and what-not.

5         and will make it an exhibit?

I'm going to show you this

A.   Yes, this is a Chinese New Year's Show 2008. The Member of Parliament and Member of Ontario Parliament, Michael Chang, Consular General, and this is Consular General and her husband is Consulate.  This is money I donate to the

10   Hulan Disaster Relief.

THE COURT: Exhibit 87.

MR. BOUSHY: Maybe we could make it 87A. THE COURT: All right.

15   --- EXHIBIT 87A:     Photos - 2008 (5 photos)

Q. Explain this one, please.

A. This is the money I donated Sitron (ph) Earthquake Funds, thirty thousand dollars.  This is on May

20   23rd.

THE COURT: Exhibit 87B.

---EXHIBIT NO. 87B:     Photos - Photocopy of large cheque -



