Sharon Niemi
Specialize in coaching clients on ways to resolve digestive issues, achieve permanent weight loss, seamlessly transition through menopause, & implement anti-aging solutions that are just right for them.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm kinda "weird."
But here's why I think I'm kinda weird...
There is a world full of empty promises and "magic bullet" get healthy, quick fix solutions that people are peddling.
I have bought into a lot of them myself over the years.
Some worked. Some didn’t.
But one thing I can tell you for sure. None provided me with lasting results.
So in my weirdness, I began to wonder is it the “program” or is it me?
And if you are still on the “hunt” for the solution to improving your health ~ whether it’s to lose a few or more pounds, tackle a long term illness, or find a maintenance routine that actually works, I invite you ask yourself these few questions, these same ones I did over a decade ago…
Why is it so many people…
- don't get the results expected from their current health routines no matter how hard they try?
- have trouble figuring out what the next best thing to do is and feel confused so nothing is done to improve or change the current condition?
- continue to take care of their health the way their parents taught them and are now experiencing the same chronic illnesses their parents fought yet do not make different choices?
- procrastinate and treat their health as a crap shoot, leaving their quality of life to chance?
So am I weird to think it's not just me and you whose expected results from a lot of effort eluded us for more years than we care to admit to?
Am I weird to think the solution to something that seems so complex should be simple if we want to get and keep our health?
Am I weird to think health shouldn’t be left to chance?
Is it weird that I figured it out and now want to teach those interested how they can personally take simple action that will make a huge difference in their quality of life?
If you want to be my kind of weird and stop chasing another crazy diet or exercise program down another rabbit hole, I have something I think you should know.
The reason why previous attempts usually fail and the solution to freeing yourself from the ongoing search for an answer is simple and straight forward.
1. If it doesn’t fit easily into your lifestyle which is usually already overloaded, over booked, and full of no free time days, IT JUST IS NOT GOING TO WORK FOR YOU.
2. If it doesn’t take into consideration your unique biological composition – or in plain speak – Your Make and Model which is age, gender, and body type, IT JUST IS NOT GOING TO WORK FOR YOU.
3. If it doesn’t result in a quick ROE (Return on Efforts) and the scale doesn’t budge or your cholesterol level remains the same, you’ll give up without giving it a chance, so again, IT JUST IS NOT GOING TO WORK FOR YOU.
You first need to understand what you just read. It breaks down to this:
It’s the fault of those that created these maybe not so crazy diets and exercise programs.
Most of what’s offered doesn’t: 1) consider your lifestyle and how you’re going to fit it in, 2) adjust it to your body type (they are usually made for everyone so work for no one), or 3) figure out how to keep you engaged so you DO follow through and get the promised results.
For instance, do any of these sound familiar?
~ You have no free time but the program you just signed up for takes hours each day to follow.
o Perhaps the right program but too much at once.
~ You have been given a list of foods to enjoy and those to avoid but no other instructions. So you change the things you eat yet continue to consume the majority of your daily intake at night right before bed.
o Perhaps the right food choices, just consuming them at the wrong time.
~ You go full in on a program and after a few days or weeks the numbers amaze. Then you hit the “plateau” and after a few more days or weeks old habits creep back in.
o The tortoise and the hare story all over again! Dashing here and there like the hare won’t get you across the winning line. Slow and steady pace ~ the tao of the turtle - will certainly clinch the race!
Here’s the solution I have been sharing with all my clients and want to share with you. They are three simple and straight forward things and I have provided links to resources that will make it simple for you to implement the solution.
1. Find out what your body type is (or your Make and Model) and what is balancing or aggravating it.
If you first understand your UNIQUE biological composition, every other choice after that is based on will it “balance” or “aggravate” my current health condition. When you make your lifestyle choices from this knowledge – you are maintaining your health based on your own User Manual, what Mother Nature intended, not based on what your parents told you or jumping in on the latest fad.
2. Adopt this philosophy – Little by little, a little becomes a lot – a.k.a. The Three Things Theory.
Have you heard of kaizen (改善)? It’s an approach to transformation through continuous improvement. Quick, small, consistent changes over time add up to huge results. It’s how you ITERATE your way to wellness! Basic principle at work here – if you can’t fit it in, IT JUST WON’T WORK FOR YOU!
3. Remember The Pareto Principle – a.k.a. The Law of the Vital Few.
This is the 80/20 principle with a splash of root cause analysis. Find out the root cause of your health concerns (having knowledge of your Make and Model is the first step) and which 20% of your health boosting activities are providing 80% of your results. The other “non-essential” 80% of those things you think you SHOULD be doing can then be tackled at a later time.
There’s a simple and straightforward answer to that question, too.
You start from where you are.
For you to be able to turn off the "overwhelm" and confusion for good and know EXACTLY what to do, and when, so you can begin living life healthier ever after simply take advantage of this final resource I am sharing with you.
Here’s why this is important.
Before you can start, you need to know where you are going (your vision of your Future Healthy Me!) so you can then figure out how to get there, one step at a time.
If you take the time, just 20 minutes a day for three days, you will walk away with a vision and plan for your improved health like no other you have experienced.
It will help you figure out what 20% you should be spending your time doing and which small incremental, three things a month that are required to make this Your Healthiest Year Yet.
It's up to you how far you want to take it.
So, here it is, the final resource I am sharing with you. It's how you are going to begin to unravel your end game and reach your Mission: Future Healthy Me.
Here’s to 2020 being Your Healthiest Year Yet!
Questions? Comments? Send them to [email protected]
Organizational Development Expert | Leadership Development Strategist | Culture Change Catalyst | Executive Talent Development Thought Leader
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