Weight-Loss Wake-Up-Call From A Local Robber.
“HEY! Where are you going!? You can’t-”
My partner and I stopped before we entered the grocery store. With haste, 2 storemen got after another man, who got away even faster...
'What the hell is going here’, I thought. Turned out a man got a packet of cigarettes and did the Harold Holt (a.k.a. 'The bolt'... i.e. disappeared). A real thief, live in action.
The 2 storemen got to the sliding doors and suddenly stopped, like there was a force field. They looked at each other, shrugged and came back to the grocery store like nothing happened.
As we strolled the isles, my thoughts went round and round.
Why did the 2 men stop at the doors… Why did they let him get away so fast… Why he stole only 1 pack of cigarettes?
Goose-bumps rose on my arms as I grabbed coconut yoghurt off the cooled shelving… and one word came to me!... "Consequence".
Consequences for theft, by default, the thief was willing to cop them…
Consequences to chase the thief, the storemen were not willing to explore (or take the risk).
Then random thoughts flashed in my mind of what some clients were doing before we started working together...
Stealing cigarettes? No...
But risking short term gratification, with things like an extra wine bottle a week… a skipped lunch for a binge dinner or putting off a workout (again)... For long term consequence.
Metaphorically robbing themselves of the body, energy and health they would rather have... Not only for themselves, but their partner and kids.
By implementing a sustainable program, they became like the 2 storemen, by not risking short term glory for potential long term consequence. (E.g. Ending up in hospital, intimacy fading away with partner, or kids learning the same habits).
Getting your 20 year old body back even in your 30s/40s ain't Quantum Physics. Just be less like the 'cigarette-bandit', and consider your the risk of your immediate pleasantries on your long term consequences.
Thanks for attending my 2021 Ted-Text-Talk... come again.