Weight of NOT DOING

Weight of NOT DOING

Waiting to start, to act to do carries a weight. One that can crush the life out of a business, the energy out of the owner, and the juice out of life itself.

How heavy a weight you carry depends upon a number of things:

I come in contact with a fair amount of people who are committed to taking regular action to build and make real their internal vision of their business and their life.?

It's a wonderful opportunity to be able to help these people from one step on their journey to the next.?

And then there is the group of people who show up and start the journey and then stall out.?

They know what to do, but they just don't do it, for whatever reason.?

I'm not here to judge people on their journey. Everyone has a different path to walk through this plane. So to push, poke or prod people around is trespassing on the journey they are here to have. Engaging in that type of behavior would speak far more about ME than anyone I was trying to help.?

So people come, people go. In terms of the?Advisory program?I created, some people join, don't use it for months, and then move on.?

I've been in that position. It's the position of saying you want something but then not doing anything on the outside to get it. If you're in a position like that right now, it might be helpful to understand what I call the "weight of not doing."?

This is that heavy feeling you get as the reality of you NOT DOING sinks in. It feels like a weight holding you down. And the longer you "don't do," the heavier the weight becomes.?

Don't think I'm going to give you a pep talk and tell you to get moving, to suck it up, and just be an action taker. How about we move beyond that Human 1.0 software??

Instead, I'm going to point to the idea that this "weight of not doing" is yet another program that you can choose to move beyond in the blink of an eye.?

This program sends your mind looking for the data required to put you in a box. Over time, it conjures a story for you about you. About who you are and about who you are not.?

"I'm just not cut out for this... I start these things and never finish... I can't be consistent with anything... I'm not like those other people who are succeeding... I'm just not the type of person who can overcome my fear of being judged."?

Boxes, boxes, boxes.?

These boxes are fake. And the fact that YOU built them should be a pretty exciting clue that you have the power to "unbuild" them.?

Removing them doesn't require energy. In fact, it requires NO more energy being directed toward them.?

Stop giving your power to your stories.?

You are exactly where you're supposed to be right at this moment. All those "shoulds" "woulds" and "coulds" that your mind feeds you are a bunch of B.S.?

Your point of power is right where you're at.?

And if you can't fully accept where you are now, what makes you think you'll be able to accept things when you finally get wherever you think you want to go??

This trap will leave you disempowered every step of the way.?

At any moment, you can choose to engage your power of creation.?


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