The Weight of Balance
Debora Luzi
I teach you how to turn your words into sales| Author| Speaker | Content Teacher| Host of the Women Who Dare to Desire conference| Queen of embodied visibility
The weight of Balance
I often find myself talking about balance.
“It is important to find the right balance, to have the right balance.”
Somehow, we have grown to believe that balance is the answer, the antidote to a stressful life.
But what is balance truly? And is it truly the antidote?
I will be like Anna Frank in one of her last messages in her book “The Diary of Anne Frank" when she explains, “I am a bundle of contradictions” because that is precisely how I feel about balance.
I believe in it, but I do not, either. And this is a huge dilemma.
I believe in balance because everything in excess can ultimately damage us, but being too much in the balance zone can also be a red sign that we are in our comfort zone and are not ready to challenge ourselves.
There are times in our life when it becomes necessary to go off balance, to experience the edge of things, the edge of ourselves, and find ourselves on one of the two sides and not in the middle balance.
And it is in these moments that we often grow the most; we go deep within ourselves and face all that we are that we might reject in the balance zone.
Life has many edges, bumps, and rollercoasters that will take us off the balanced route.
We must accept these moments and allow them to take us off-balance, knowing they are stepping stones in our growth path.
Ultimately the choice is always ours.
If you decide to live a comfortable life in the bliss zone, are not ambitious and hungry for more, a balanced life will be your answer.
However, suppose you want to fully experience your capabilities and power, grow massively, challenge yourself and reach your full potential. In that case, the balance might become a side job or a weekend hobby.
But how to find the balance within the off-balance? Is there even such a thing?
Let's discuss this.
I want to ask you some questions to see where you are and your relationship with balance.
Do you believe it is the antidote to stress?
What balance means to you?
Do you strive to have it in your life?
Do you feel that balance limits you somehow?
I want you to go back and think of a day when you felt utterly in balance. How did it feel?
Is this the life you truly desire?
Feel free to comment below and start a daring discussion.
International Trade & Business Advisor, Expertise from Work and Life on Four Continents, Linguist, Naval History Buff, Avid Sailor, Motivational Writer
1 年