Wehrhahn Remote Technical Service
During the start-up of a plant or for Technical Support, customers receive individual service on-site from Wehrhahn specialists. In order to guarantee constant high quality service - even in times of limited travel options - Wehrhahn has found a way to provide customised support from a distance:
Wehrhahn Remote Technical Service (RTS). But what exactly does the service include? The Remote Technical Service provides technical support from a distance, this means via multimedia communication. Wehrhahn offers its customers worldwide optimal support and proactive service, via the internet.
Wehrhahn RTS includes the commissioning of individual plant sections and even entire plants. With direct access to the customer's plant and its data, Wehrhahn specialists can specifically troubleshoot faults, instruct personnel on-site and therefore guarantee a smooth start-up of the plant.
Further applications for RTS are maintenance and process optimisation, as well as proactive services, such as the early detection of malfunctions or predictive technical support and plant inspection.
Wehrhahn offers its customers the possibility to receive fast support and a high level of flexibility, in addition to minimised effort and costs - a real customer benefit!