First, a bit of personal news. I’m no longer employed by Intertrust so if you would like this sort of analysis, content and other marketing work for your company please drop me a line at [email protected]
Second, I plan on continuing to focus mainly on streaming media and other digital entertainment news. but some of the topics may change. More importantly, I’d love to find out what sort of topics you would like to see covered. Again, drop me a line at [email protected] with any requests or suggestions.
And as always, if you find this interesting, I’d really appreciate it if you could share the love and pass it on to others who might enjoy it as well!
- “Linear TV’s decline in the U.S. is irreversible, but that there is no immediate cliff”? S&P: Spinoffs of Linear TV Networks Face ‘Significant Challenges’ (TV Technology)
- However, that’s not stopping broadcast tv from continuing to try and compete in the streaming arena? Comcast Launches Xfinity Sports & News TV Package for $70 Per Month (The Wrap)
- “The report … analyses the carbon footprint created by the video entertainment industry, from the point of production to delivery, and consumption”? Research: Video streaming is twice as bad as aviation for carbon emissions (TVB Europe)
- Netflix continues to be the one to beat in the streaming industry? Netflix Adds 18.9M Subs, Passes 300M Users, Announces Price Hikes (TV Technology)
- Global ad revenue rising to $10B by 2027 and more contextual ads to get around privacy concerns amongst other things? What to expect from FAST in 2025 (Advanced Television)
- US broadcasters continue to try to push ATSC 3.0, one recommendation is get funding to help consumers pay for ATSC 3.0 converter boxes? NAB Publishes Long-Awaited Future of TV Initiative Report (TV Technology)
- Continued investment in the XR market? Google acquiring part of HTC Vive engineering team to boost Android XR (9to5 Google)
- Recent activity around AI and the entertainment experience
- Paul Schrader Says He Asked ChatGPT for Film Ideas and They Were All ‘Original’ and ‘Fleshed Out’: ‘Why Should Writers Sit Around for Months’ When ‘AI Can Provide One in Seconds?’ (Variety)
- ‘The Brutalist’ Sparks Backlash After Editor Reveals Use of AI in Dialogue and Buildings, but Says It’s ‘Nothing That Hasn’t Been Done Before’ (Variety)
- Deepdub Introduces AI Audio API (TV Technology)
- Streaming numbers?
- Report: Streaming revenues surge in Spain, Italy, Poland (Advanced Television)
- In Latin America, Broadcasters Hold Strong While Streamers Still Have Plenty of Room to Grow: Ampere Analysis (Variety)
- Nielsen: YouTube, Netflix and Prime Video Hit Record Viewing Levels in December (TV Technology)
- Report: TV premieres of US content drop in 2024 (Advanced Television)
- Italy: Anti-piracy initiative hasn’t increased subs (Advanced Television)
Thank you for reading! Comments and other feedback welcome at [email protected]