This week's must-reads: Video Games Aren’t Addictive
In my work as a behavioral designer, I come across stories on the importance of using psychology to influence behavior. Here's my weekly round-up of the most important stories at the intersection of psychology, technology, and business.
Video Games Aren’t Addictive
Playing them is normal behavior that at worst is a waste of time.
Turning Negative Thinkers Into Positive Ones
Chronically viewing the glass as half-empty inhibits one’s ability to bounce back from life’s inevitable stresses.
What voice UI is good for (and what it isn't)
There's a time and a place for voice UI, and product builders need to learn to design for those constraints.
Can Amazon's Alexa Be Your Friend?
We're so close to a promised future of actually useful digital assistants. But is this the future we want?
Nir Eyal is the author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and blogs about the psychology of products at For more insights on changing behavior, join his free newsletter and receive a free workbook.