This Week's Leadership Academy  Preview:  "Eat the Frog"? and the BE YOUR BEST Podcast!

This Week's Leadership Academy Preview: "Eat the Frog" and the BE YOUR BEST Podcast!

Hey It's me, Coach Troy, with a productivity boosting idea and updates for you to kick off the workweek in style! Click on the video above for a brief look at boosting your productivity with a time-tested technique (Eat the Frog) as well as a preview of the upcoming BE YOUR BEST - Leadership Podcast to air on Tuesday April 26th at Noon PST. I speak with Lacey Nymeyer-John, OLY, former US Olympic Team Swimmer, about her background and how the skills necessary to compete at the elite level translate to the business world and leadership!

Now, let's explore what it takes to 'start a movement'. We all know that great things start with ideas, and sometimes those ideas seem absolutely ridiculous and even out of touch with reality. We also know that great innovators / leaders are often times chastised and judged in a negative way BEFORE they are recognized as creating something revolutionary, disruptive and life changing.

So what does it take to start a movement? It takes a leader who has the mindset that it's ok to be different, to stand out above the crowd, and often times dismissed as a little 'off base'. Next, it takes a first follower... someone who is critical to that movement actually gaining traction. The first follower is Someone who is willing to adopt an unknown concept or idea with great belief, energy and enthusiasm and invite others to learn more and join. Then, it takes early adopters who want to 'get on the bus' before everyone else does and help blaze the trail. Once this happens, there's a sudden 'tipping point' where everyone else starts to join simply for fear of missing out and not being part of the in-crowd. Boom... a movement is born with a radical concept once looked at as out of this world! Be sure to check out the video below for an incredibly impactful explanation of this process, First Follower: leadership lessons from dancing guy, by Derek Sivers.

I absolutely love this! Have a great week and start each day by eating that Ugly Frog first!


Coach Troy Jacobson | Head Coach - Jacobson Leadership Academy

[email protected] |


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