This Week’s Issue Brief — Trends in Access to Employment-Based Health Benefits: Stability After 50 Years of ERISA.
Employee Benefit Research Institute
EBRI is a nonprofit, independent & unbiased resource organization providing objective information about benefit programs
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974’s (ERISA’s) pre-emption of state law has created an environment of nationally uniform standards for employee benefit plans. This gave employers the regulatory means to continue to offer health benefits as they do today. When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) was passed, predictions were made that employers would stop offering coverage. The impact of the ACA on availability of health coverage in the workplace has been the subject of considerable debate. This week’s Issue Brief examines how the availability of employment-based health coverage has been changing and also takes a look at employer sponsorship of coverage as well as employee eligibility for coverage.
New Replay From the EBRI 2024 Financial Wellbeing Symposium: Trends in Financial Wellbeing — Recent Survey Results.
This week, we're highlighting the second session from EBRI's Financial Wellbeing Symposium, in which EBRI's Jake Spiegel presented selected findings from the 2024 Financial Wellbeing Employer Survey. Following his presentation was a discussion by Sharon Carson of JPMorgan Asset Management, David John of AARP, and Kirsten Hunter Peterson of Fidelity.
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