What's been happening?
The ASCEL team have been out and about. Yesterday, we visited Gloucestershire Libraries' Oakley Interactive Lab, then spent the rest of the day at Cheltenham Library.
Oakley Interactive Lab is an incredible place to have at the heart of the community. Andy Shapcott kindly gave us a demonstration. With a tap of his finger, we were transported to different lands, rode on the back of an eagle, and even visited a magic library. I was fascinated by the range of applications; some that never would have occurred to me. For example, there's the option to have a virtual 'shopping experience' at a supermarket. This is so useful for those who are neurodivergent as it provides reassurance and understanding before entering these overstimulating and confusing locations in real life. We also virtually visited a hospice; something that I imagine would help challenge perceptions about what life there would be like.
With minds suitably expanded, we headed to Cheltenham Library for our team meeting. If you're in the area, do visit. It has an impressively grand exterior and a real sense of calm from the moment you enter. We spent the afternoon deep-diving into funding, youth engagement, plus establishing some processes and systems (as a young charity, this is very important).
What's on the to-do list?
I'm still video editing! But, I'm happy (and admittedly a bit smug) to report that I'm on the final video. Honestly, I feel like doing a little dance in my office space to celebrate that I conquered Canva! They've turned out great, thanks to the high quality, inspiring footage submitted by several libraries around the country. I'm looking forward to sharing them (and the rest of the updated Learning Pool training module) with ASCEL and Libraries Connected members soon.
I've also arranged some training for members, exploring how to build relationships with schools. We've commissioned Elizabeth Hutchinson to deliver this. She's not only a real expert in this field but also an ex-ASCEL member - so it feels very appropriate for her to support with training around this important topic.
What I've been up to outside of work
Watching the football, of course! I wouldn't describe myself as an avid football fan (though I do watch the occasional Exeter City match), but if it's the Euros or the World Cup, you can count me in. I wasn't too impressed by our first match this Sunday, but the festive ambiance in our lounge, with the immediate and extended family squeezed on various sofas and chairs, made it very enjoyable indeed.
Book-wise, I'm nearly at the end of The Paying Guest by Sarah Waters. It's got a satisfying twist, which results in various agonising dilemmas for the two main characters. I'm still not sure who to have sympathy for. I also read Seventeen , A Coming of Age Story, by Joe Gibson. It came up on my BorrowBox feed, and as I'd heard a bit about it, I thought I'd give it a go. It's about a relationship between a teacher and a student; very challenging as you might expect, with lots to unpick. Not necessarily an enjoyable read... but it got me thinking and fretting about the lack of safeguarding in the school in question too!
Next week, I want to get the direction of movement for the Youth Engagement network down on paper. I have reams of notes, plans and scribblings, plus great feedback from the pilot libraries. I need to start collating it all into a cohesive plan. Tabitha and Sarah (my fellow ASCEL team members!) were fab yesterday, helping me to lay out what's happened so far and where we can adjust or expand on what we've done.