#Weeknotes - 06/02/2025
What's been happening?
What's in a name? That's the question that ASCEL have been exploring as part of our rebranding work, and one thing has become clear; it's important that we have a name that reflects who we are. We want to be able to walk into a room and convey who we are and what we stand for with ease.
Our young people's hackathons, led by Participation People and their team of creative children and young people, gave us so many ideas to springboard from; it's fantastic to have their thoughts and opinions underpinning this work. This week we held a branding session with a focus group of ASCEL members, led by Bryony Bishop, who has been supporting ASCEL with marketing and comms for over a year now. It was a lively, explorative session, which again, gave us direction, focus and plenty of ideas.
We've also been:
What's next?
Next week, I'll be attending some training on risk assessment for youth programmes. This promises to be extremely useful, as children and young people's safety is of utmost importance to ASCEL and its members. I've got quite a few catch-up meetings next week too, with members, the team and national partners. It's fair to say it'll be a fairly meeting-heavy week, I think.
Outside of work
I've been fending off a cold this week, so to be transparent, a lot of my 'outside of work' time has been spent sprawled on the sofa, sniffling, coughing and watching Ripley and One Hundred Years of Solitude. Both are excellent by the way (and both based on books; I really do conform to stereotype, don't I!).
I've also been avidly reading. You Are Here by David Nicholls was adorable; a bumbling comedy-romance set on a hike, with plenty of rain and social awkwardness. Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen by Marilyn Chin was a very different read; a hyper-energetic series of vignettes focusing on the lives of twins; Mei Ling and Moonie. It really made me laugh in places, but was also quite poignant in others; an exploration of Chinese culture, traditional values vs modernity, and the links between the generations. Two very good reads - I'd recommend both.