Weeknote 2024.36
Adrian Gorst
Chief Technology Officer (Director of Digital Services) at Enfield Council
While I’ve enjoyed working directly with managers across the service and we’ve really made a difference, it’s fantastic to have our new heads of service join this week, boosting our capacity, capability and potential.
A glorious day and a sunny stroll around Epping, some parts new to me (Ivy Chimneys) and some familiar (Bell Common). Then on to Epping Museum https://www.eppingmuseum.com/ for a 1-2-1 guided tour including using a genuine signalling frame to direct virtual trains through Epping. The frame is from an earlier era, when Epping was a lot more complicated than it is today, with goods sidings and a coal terminal for a gas works. I understand there’s a Raspberry Pi running the simulation.
Took the bus to the Tower Gallery in Plaistow for an exhibition by local artists. The one picture I really wanted was unfortunately not for sale. I walked back up to Plaistow station, the area has changed considerably since commuted from there. https://towergalleryplaistow.wordpress.com/
A day that didn’t quite go to plan.
I set off early to be ready for our new heads of service and was thwarted by a broken rail at Hackney Downs. I was about 10 minutes late; by which time our two new colleagues had found each other in reception and made their introductions.
By lunchtime we’d sorted out the practicalities, spent a few hours on our journey so far and where we want to go, and introduced the teams.
An important meeting with a couple of our partners, exploring how we can go from where we are to where we want to be, whether by evolution or revolution. Evolution looks more likely.
One of my regular catchups with HR, everything in good order, so explored how I can use every possible opportunity for colleagues to develop their skills, abilities and confidence. We’ve got a good selection of general training within the Council, specialist technical training from Microsoft and through an online partner, and I’m now thinking about more specific development for key colleagues.
More work on budgets, both sharing the savings we’ve already made this year, and exploring further opportunities for this year and beyond.
Track of the week
The Tide is High, the original version by The Paragons, later made (more) famous by Blondie. https://open.spotify.com/track/74rf6xRJzgAG1wZW7VwFNC?si=1adab2da9b794213