Weekly Wrap-In
November 17th
This week, Martin returned to talk about the first 8 cards in his Worrier to Warrior card deck, and Cindy returns next week to provide her annual holiday grief guidance. With nexy week being Thanksgiving, we wish you an abundance of safety, happiness, health, and family time. Remember, family is not always given; but can rather be chosen.
We have also been pushing YouTube more for the podcast, so we would SUPER appreciate your liking, subscribing, and sharing us like crazy to get us to where we can spend more time giving YOU more content you LOVE!
Check out these helpful and relative articles as well as it will teach you how to learn, grow, and develop into a successful, thriving, YOU through education, life experience, and self-care: https://www.brainzmagazine.com/executive-contributor/Reah-R.-Hagues AND visit https://www.Falolity.net to keep up with us, order books, read our monthly blog, and inquire about our services.
Special Offer
Now, through December 1st all workbooks are on sale: when you use the code HOLIDAY23 get $5 off ALL books! Additionally, our holiday bundle of all 3 books is available for just $25!!!