Weekly wrap - 20 October 2017
Carrie - Ann Leeson
Chief Executive Officer at Lifeline Canberra- Lifeline Narrm- Beacon Group Australia. EMBA GAICD
Have you booked your annual check up from the neck up?
As we approach the end of the year, we see stress levels rise following the accumulation of pressures over the year. Good or bad, the resulting fatigue may cause many of us to disconnect from our centered ‘post vacation’ selves. Have you caught yourself thinking, saying or doing things typically out of character? Sleeping differently, perhaps yelling at your kids, partner or fellow road user when you’d usually be tolerant? Don’t ignore the signs. Just like wear and tear on a vehicle, and investing in its servicing. Invest in yourself regularly, one way is to book a check up from the neck up
We’re often told about the importance of an annual check up to look at our heart health, blood levels and more, but we forget the importance of an annual mental health check up — sometimes we need a little support to get our mental health back on track.
As we end this week I ask you to get out your diaries, to do lists or device and schedule some time. Your GP can help you with this.
Incredible Julie Samaras from Canberra Weekly demonstrates just this in the past week. Julie wrote in her editor’s note about how she stoped to take time for self care and reconnect with herself. Grab a copy of this week’s edition if you’re fortunate to live in Canberra. Thank you Julie for your honesty, for your support of yourself and your support of others by encouraging them to check in with themselves.
At Lifeline Canberra we’ve always much to be thankful for. I’d like to personally thank Peter Barclay from King O’Malley’s for his support and hospitality as we thanked and celebrated our volunteers this week. I’d also like to thank the Brumbies for their support in helping us raise awareness of Lifeline in the Canberra community — find out more about our new joint event in the coming weeks… ladies, this ones for you.
Our crisis support centre continues to serve thousands of individuals in need this week and will continue to do so over the weekend. Highly skilled volunteers giving of their time to support callers through every conceivable human crisis. If you’ve ever thought to join our team, why not come along to an information session? Drop me a line and I’ll send you more information.
So, whilst I have made time to ‘check up from the neck up’, I’m reminded every day now about how firmly my feet are on the ground. Shifting to flat shoes (of the running variety) to get into gear. I have been pounding the pavement in preparation for our ‘Run for your Lifeline’ Fun Run and Marathon on Saturday 4 November. I’m looking for some running buddies to join me at this event, so head over to runforyourlifeline.com.au and register to run with me — I promise to make you look good!
As we head into the weekend, I ask you to take some time to check in with yourself.
7 年Fabulous initiative