The Weekly Waffle: Nothing Really Happened
Sometimes it seems like crypto markets change by the minute, and not a week goes by without some significant new development, hack, new project starting, and another one folding. Sometimes it is really hard to keep up what’s hot and what’s not, what has a future and what doesn’t. ?As a "head of research" I'm supposed to be on top of everything here, but how can I be with all the stuff going on?
Regulators are finally catching up big time, all in their own sometimes peculiar ways. Governments are adopting or prohibiting CBDCs. Companies are switching to blockchain systems, others are abandoning plans.?
Combined with artificial intelligence and soon quantum computing, it really seems like technology is running away from us.?
But on the plane to New York Monday I had time to reflect and found that nothing (at least not much) has changed if you look at it from a different angle. We are still clutching passports and boarding passes because not a single country has adopted more than biometric passes, not to mention blockchain and electronic boarding passes have a strange habit of not loading when needed (which is exactly what happened to me).
In the galley of the airport I saw tablet computers, yes, but a lot is still written by hand. People are still reading books. My seat neighbor went through a pile of handwritten notes and scribbled comments on what seemed to be an academic paper.
Apple announced a promising VR headset, but we still watch videos on tiny video screens. In the row in front of me, two teenagers played a computer game that looked like from the last century.?Maybe they are into retro?
Much the same is true in crypto. We are still trying to figure out the debate over privacy versus anonymity. (Many confuse the two.) We still haven't figured out how much decentralization we need or want, at a time when more money is lost in anonymous wallets than exchanges.
We still have more or less the same assets on the scoreboard. And while some have made massive progress, others have clearly stagnated.?
I remember so many spectacular “adoption” events, and yet, where are they? Ethereum has advanced technologically in leaps and bounds, but who's really using it outside the tiny crypto circle? Ordinals and Inscriptions have changed Bitcoin to the core, yet a woman I talked to in the lounge accused me of working for criminals. "Crypto is only good for crime," she insisted. There are a lot of folks out there who agree. There are now three dozen companies trying to prevent cybercrime, but we have a huge hack once a week like clockwork.?
If you remember the Internet craze of the 1990s, where people wrote HTML code by hand and websites looked like faded newspapers, where every mom-and-pop shop suddenly needed a website, it was nothing like the Internet (web2) we have today, dominated by a handful of behemoths with fancy websites and advertisements absolutely everywhere.
A popular blockchain announced in 2017 it would change the world of fiance completely within 5 years. It's now pivoting to gaming, and still, no one out there cares.
Hundreds of other projects are simply disappearing. People lose interest. Remember when Dogecoin was supposed to hit $100 by 2024? It has done nothing at all.
I'm wondering what will this blockchain space look like ten years from now? Who will be the star projects of blockchain? The Internet Computer ICP? Ethereum all the way? Will the world run on XRP? Once we have proper regulation everywhere and coordinated globally, who will come out on top?
Will it be an organization led by humans, maybe in a decentralized manner? Or will it be the all-knowing, all-controlling super-AI we know from sci-fi movies?
If AI, as many futurists predicted half a century ago, is indeed the big game changer, the big destroyer, and if indeed we are headed for a war man vs. machine, then what??
How much time do we have left? Enough to adapt to it, as humans have always done with technology? The car made horses obsolete, and now they are driving themselves. But they are still cars, not teleportation devices. It would be really nice you think, when you are stuck in a transatlantic flight between two snoring people. Is it different this time??
Does it matter if we score a profitable trade, or change the way cross-country remittances work, as the IMF said this week, returning $54 billion to the hands of the poor? What good will your 2000 NFTs do if robots take your job??
Does it matter if Rosalind gives us programmable money, if machines rule the world?
What then does really matter now?
If AI continues the way it does, then does blockchain matter? Or crypto? Or money at all?
I am not painting a doomsday scenario, I have great faith in humanity. After all, when you ask a local in the streets they still tell you by pointing you in the right direction. They do not yell at you “use Google Maps, you idiot”. We are very much aware that different age groups have different ways of using technology. We are not abandoning people who refuse to own a phone. We are still human, with human brilliance, fear, shame, and honor; we are still dependent on human interactions, connections and emotions.
We still need to trust humans, despite blockchain’s early promise of no longer having to do so. Because we must, we need to. Because we WANT to have people around us we can trust.?
The simple question that concerns me is the time frame.
How much time do we have before technological development is so fast, so disrupting (negative or positive) really changes absolutely everything for humanity and we are left at the beach hotel, sipping drinks and staring into the sunset, while the world around us either run by machines or slowly destroyed by them??
OK, it was a long flight. But then it's called a "waffle", right.
Investor & Founder, Leadership Consultant, Mathematician, Lawyer-to-be 2025: outstanding Fun & Faith, iūstitia as always
1 年That woman would be my *client* in the future with all the retainments of bitcoin, ethereuem, dodgecoin, etc. on my platform. You should have her contact ?? But New York will be full of my clients like her in the futur anyway- I love it!