Weekly update #17
Welcome to this edition of the weekly newsletter. The idea behind this activity is to gather all the information in the startup ecosystem in one place, with a special focus on the fintech market.
Recently I read an interesting article on Tech.eu about the acquisition of a 19% stake in Seedcamp third fund for $8.5 million by Molten Ventures. The most interesting part of this transaction, is the trend about secondary transactions in the venture market capital.
It's no secret that after the interest rates raise, raising capital has become more and more complex in the ecosystem. And that is valid not only for startup, but also for VC. Funds need liquidity in order to make investments and return money, but with valuation also going down, there is an "exit strategy" problem for many GP.
For all of those reasons, many VCs have already begun to make portfolio sales, quietly and without announces, in order to generate that liquidity, waiting maybe for the long hoped IPO seasons everyone is looking for.
Another example of this trend is TempoCap, with the general partner Olav Ostin affirming that their dealflow in this direction has gone from 1x to 5x, with secondaries being around 50% of their investment.
But let's take a look at Molten investment. How do you make a secondary transaction? Is it a full horizontal? A cherry picking? In this case, six of the assets of Seedcamp fund represented 80% of the total value, leaving very small behind.
It's a very interesting trend in a industry that desperately need some innovation.
Anyway we saw some very interesting news in the market this week. Everli, italian grocery delivery startup once valued at $450 million, was reported on the market for $1 first, in order to avoid bankruptcy, and then acquire by a financial holding company. Golden Ventures raised $100 million to invest in the canadian startup ecosystem. Goldman Sachs invest $55 million in Simetrik. ShopFully acquired #Ofertia in the spanish market. In the African ecosystem, FairMoney is in talk to acquire Umba.
But let's take a closer look at the main news of the last seven days:
Closed deals
Strategic moves on the market
A special look in the Italian market
Insights on the VC industry
Startups raising funds
If you are a startup and want to be present in this list, please contact me directly.
If you are an angel investor or a VC interested in those companies, contact me for an intro!
Take also a look at the last edition of the newsletter, Weekly update #16.