Weekly Spark & Kindling (5/20)
Rebecca Faust (Heydon)
Coach. Published Author. Catalyst for change. Alignment coach for fierce, wholehearted leaders.
Your inspirational quote for this week is:
“Any plunge into the unknown is reckless, but that is where the treasure lies." - Brendon Burchard
The action I'm inviting you to take on is:
I know y'all are probably going to hate this. To be fair, I've pushed this back multiple times. Even considered pushing it back again. But. Those of you who are going to skip this one, are probably going to skip it no matter when I invite you into it. That's right. I'm inviting you to take a 30 second cold shower. No, I'm not trying to torture you, I promise. If you don't know, I had a Wim Hof phase a couple of years ago. I did the breathing and I swear by the cold shower, especially for those of us who are overthinkers and a bit anxious. I found it to be really good for the nervous system.
You can hear [briefly] about my action in next week's newsletter. If you're comfortable sharing about your experience, I would LOVE to hear from you! Respond here or tag me on Facebook or Instagram! Have a great week!
About last week's action:
I don't know about you, but I find thinking about the "what I'll have to give up in pursuit of my goal" wayy easier than creating my vision for how it will feel after I accomplish my goal and why I'm doing it. Like a good driven person, it's so much easier to think about how hard I'll have to work. Even though I've gotten much better at it, a part of me still believes it has to be hard in order for it to mean something; I still want to wear my sacrifice and suffering as a badge of honor. Of course, I do ALWAYS find my why and vision more inspiring and motivating to keep on track. This time, when I did my "what I'll have to do or give up in pursuit of this goal," I attempted to not just list the things, but imagine doing them with some level of joy or at least some of the excitement I have for my goal. The both and. The "hard" work and "sacrifice" along with some joy and lightful acceptance.
What came up for you? Anything you're up for sharing? As always, I'd love to hear from you! If you want to connect via zoom and can't find time that works for you, let me know! I have other times available for those interested!
Be Well,
Coach Faust
When was the last time we caught up? Grab time with me here!
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