The Weekly Screenshot - 10/11
JUV Consulting (Acquired)
JUV Consulting is now UTA Marketing’s Next Gen Practice.
Week of October 10?????
We’re sharing the biggest trends in Gen Z’s world this week. Want these trends sent directly to your inbox? Sign up for The Screenshot, our weekly Gen Z insights newsletter.?
For this edition, the Screenshot will be answering questions from members of our network. We would like to note that the answers below are the opinions of our Screenshot team and are not all-inclusive of our generation. Though we are reporting as accurately as possible, we can’t capture the sentiments of all of Gen Z here. If you have any questions or comments on this edition, reach out to [email protected]!?
What habits does Gen Z have that are better than other generations? (J, Brazil)?
Click the TikTok here to see this answer.?
How does your generation feel about being categorized as Gen Z? Is it something you’re proud or self-conscious of? (J, USA)?
As a generation, we’ve grown up with every other generation making fun of our technology use, social justice passions, and embrace of mental health and queer dialogue. This dialogue has created a stigma around identifying as Gen Z, but this doesn’t mean we’re shirking the title. At a younger age, we were afraid to claim the Gen Z name but, as our generation grows up, we’ve embraced it. Young people are shamelessly tech experts, activists, and ourselves. Calling us names stems from a fear of our ability to drive social change and disrupt existing industries. A New York Times article reported one Gen Zer claiming we should be called “Generation Scapegoat” since we’ve become a “punching bag” for older folks. Whatever people decide to call us, Gen Z will not change our sense of individuality and generational power.?
What areas is Gen Z cutting back on spending? (M, USA)?
Click the TikTok here to see this answer.??
What values does your generation find most important? (A, USA)?
For this question, the Screenshot reached out to the full JUV team. Some of the responses included youth financial literacy, well-being, and inclusivity. To these, the Screenshot would add trustworthiness, independence, and community. These values are all connected by a generational need for connectedness and self-empowerment. By prioritizing mental, financial, and social health Gen Z has set ourselves up for success. This has especially translated to the workplace and universities, where young people are learning how to set boundaries and create communities that are uplifting instead of detracting. With the brunt of the pandemic over, Gen Z is looking to increase our value on in-person, beneficial interaction. For companies, these values are effectively tackled by respecting — and creating opportunities for — mental health and budgeting good practices. Additionally, it means giving young people the space they need to thrive while supporting them along the way. We want to feel valued because of our diversity and independence, not in spite of it.?
What does the future of fashion look like for Gen-Z? (D, USA)?
Learn more about Gen Z fashion in our “Gen Z Yellow” article.?
How are you, as a generation barely starting your life, coping with all of the changes in the world economy? (M, Bulgaria)?
Click the TikTok here to see this answer.??
What does Gen Z want from brands versus Millennials? (H, Australia)?
As a generation, we search for authenticity in brands. Gen Z wants our products to be catered to our needs and conscious of social impact. The items we use are a direct translation of our lifestyles and, when we look for brands to buy from, this mindset pervades. We also appreciate a strong social media presence and interactive elements (such as giveaways, “trendy” posts, and consumer-designed items). Product design and marketing materials should be catered to Gen Z interests and social justice passions. As for Millennials, they look for peer reviews of items and funny, relatable content. Buzzfeed-type content is commonly associated with the generation, and this does follow their purchase habits. Millennials seem to have fewer qualms about shopping at fast, name-brand stores compared to Gen Z, which is attracted to local, sustainable brands. Though the generations share many purchasing habits, these are some differences that separate them.?
What TV shows or movies give an accurate representation of Gen Z's mental health? (X, Mexico)?
Click the TikTok here to see this answer.?
Does your generation love or hate their phones? (G, USA)?
A phone is a connection to global networks of people, to learning more about the world we live in, to discovering new interests and meeting others who share them. Though our generation appreciates the infinite possibilities of cell phone technology, we also have qualms about over-digitalizing our lives. By staying glued to our phones, we miss out on authentic in-person experiences that improve mental health and provide much-needed connection. Gen Z’s relationship with phones is that we will communicate with friends when alone and document our experiences when out. Scrolling TikTok or jumping into internet rabbit holes is for alone time only. Thus, we love our phones when we are using them in the appropriate formats and times.