Weekly Round-Up: 17 Best Ways to Retain Employees, 4 Ways Leaders Are Rainbows, 12 Phrases to Avoid, 5 Bad Leadership Behaviors, and more

Weekly Round-Up: 17 Best Ways to Retain Employees, 4 Ways Leaders Are Rainbows, 12 Phrases to Avoid, 5 Bad Leadership Behaviors, and more

Welcome to my weekly round-up of the best-of-the-best recent leadership and communication blog posts.?

This Week's Round-Up of Leadership and Communication Blogs:

“From sharing the job incentives that matters most today to highlighting employee wellness trends in hybrid workplaces, there are several ways to retain employees at your organization. Here are the best employee retention strategies to retain employees in today’s workplace:...” Read more >>

“Rainbows appear in the section of the sky directly opposite the sun. That means they reflect the sun’s light and spirit. Great leaders are light and spirit-infusers; their associates typically reflect that impact. People do not inherit spirit, acquire spirit, or borrow spirit. We all choose spirit, much like we choose to introduce ourselves to a stranger. Those who opt for an upbeat, positive spirit are happier, healthier, and more productive...” Read more >>?

“#1. I should have. ‘Should have’ is backward facing. Do your best to speak into the future. Instead of shoulding-yourself, say, 'Next time.'...” Read more >>

“Leadership broken down into its most basic and practical form can be defined as meeting the needs of people and developing them to their fullest potential. When employees don't develop and have their needs met to do their jobs well, they experience low morale, they stop caring, and they stop trying...” Read more >>?

  • Who Is Driving the Great Resignation? by Ian Cook via Harvard Business Review (@HarvardBiz ). From a data analysis of 9 million employee records from over 4,000 companies, get 2 key trends about the employees that are resigning and 3 steps to help you effectively leverage data to improve employee retention.

“According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4 million Americans quit their jobs in July 2021. Resignations peaked in April and have remained abnormally high for the last several months, with a record-breaking 10.9 million open jobs at the end of July. How can employers retain people in the face of this tidal wave of resignations?…" Read more >>

What were some of the best resources you’ve read this week?

—David Grossman

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This article originally appeared on the?leadercommunicator blog .


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