The Weekly Recap

The Weekly Recap


080822 Faith

One of the most powerful engines of passion is faith in an external agency. Though faith may seem to have been marginalized in today’s seemingly rational society, it still works behind the scenes in many areas.?Read Full Article


090822 Do What You Love & The Money Follow

?The concept of “Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow” is often touted by self-development experts, but is it realistic? I love to sit on my behind and watch movies - but I can’t see that bringing in money any time soon!?Read Full Article


100822 Focus On The Present

If you want to live happily, then you should stop thinking about the past. Only focus on your present because that’s something you have power over. ?Read Full Article


110822 Gratitude Goes Back A Long Way

The Roman philosopher, Cicero, discussed the subject of gratitude over two thousand years ago. He saw the value in it and described it as opening doors and keeping people young. Cicero saw gratitude as a true virtue. Read Full Article


120822 ?Stress Inducing Habits

All of us have bad habits. Some of us are smokers, some are over-eaters, others spend too much money. The unfortunate fact is that most of us are usually trying to find a way to cope with the stresses that creep up on us during daily life. ??Read Full Article


130822 Try Different Meditation Styles

Meditating comes in many different styles and practices. As a result, you should start meditating simply by trying out different practices. Do research on what different meditations look like, and then try them out. ??Read Full Article


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