Weekly Q&A
Topics include:
* So guys, let me just share my story. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Lana. Like many of you, I run a digital marketing agency. I have many years of experience in the field. Unfortunately, when I started my agency about five years ago, I was going from coach to coach, not really knowing where to go. My particular problem was that I was so busy, I was only able to work a couple of hours a day, sometimes three or four hours a day. Mostly, I would work seven days a week. I still do it to this day, by the way. Having such a big limitation in time really limited my growth possibilities. I was really wondering what to do.
I went from one coach to another until I met Frankie. Frankie was so amusing, clever, and everything. You know him, guys, anyway. He very quickly identified my bottlenecks and taught me how to get A players. By that time, I had already been recruiting people from all over the world for about four years. However, I definitely couldn't find people I liked working with or wanted to keep long term. What he helped me do was to actually set up and improve our recruitment process. That changed everything.
At the moment, we are hiring people, and with the help of my husband, who is brilliant at it, our people are often better than us. They have better qualities as personalities, pay more attention to detail, and their English is better than mine. I don't know how to overall compare them, but they are such great human beings that they lift us up.
To be honest, last year wasn't an easy year because we got sick three times with COVID. All three times, we had some complications arising from that, which was a shock to us. If we didn't have a team, honestly, I don't know how we would have been able to keep up. I'm telling you this because I wanted to share this thought process with you on how important it is to identify your bottleneck and find your next step. Sometimes, it helps you unfold everything.
For us, the changes we had included my husband being able to leave his full-time job. It's been nearly close to three years since he did that. That was the only way we could do it, as well as having a lifestyle agency. Since you're here, you would resonate with having enough time for your life, not just paddling into 60 to 80 hours of work, which we all do from time to time. We all have to do it. Even I admit that I have to. But overall, having the ability to live your life and not being 100% attached to a business made a huge difference
Random thoughts from Lana hehe
* Question: Personal Injury Attorneys (Am I on the Right Track?)
Good evening everyone. I am in the beginning stages of my Agency Journey. Could I get some feedback on my offer? I'm curious if I am actually bringing value to Personal Injury Attorneys.
I offer a "Google Call Only Ads" service to bring more "Motor Vehicle Accident Cases" to PI Attorneys. I offer a 7-day free trial to manage $150 - $250 per day in ad spend. My management fee after the 7 days would be $750.
I'm currently spending $20 per day to advertise my service. So far I have 11 leads. I was also rejected once, and so far, no one has taken me up on my offer.
Any feedback is much appreciated and may the force be with you!
* Frankie! A lot of your stuff is based around becoming a mini-influencer in an industry. For those of us for whom being on video sounds about as fun as being buried alive, and know we will never get comfortable doing it, is there any hope to win playing the agency game or even make money online at all? If so what would your strategy be?
* Hi all,
A qusestion to agency owners: I was just thinking to make good looking fb profile and be active on it.
To those doing this do you actually get any inbound/organic leads from Facebook?
I mean, is it actually worth it?
Also, I see some are active on agency/company's page on Facebook while some are active on their personal fb profiles. Which route is best? What's the difference?
*Hey Frankie, good afternoon. Any creative ways to get a hold of business owners that come through paid ads and don't book or pick up the phone? We have all the "instant contact" and outreach in place but people still don't respond.
* Appointment issue:
Currently we are averaging 20+ (15 min) appointments daily that are self booked from FB. The issue I have I'd that we are so booked up that they have no choice but to schedule sometimes 11 -13 days in andvance.
We are having a problem with people showing up or just forgetting about it due to how long it's scheduled out.
What do you have in place to mitigate that?? We already have reminders from calendly
* What was your first major breakthrough as a digital marketing agency?
* Can anyone help me with Best Multi channel Outreach Strategy?
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