Weekly offshore wind updates
Norwegian Offshore Wind
Our goal is to increase profits by cooperating on innovation and market opportunities.
Your complete guide to offshore wind at Arendalsuka
Offshore wind is high on the agenda at this year′s Arendalsuka, starting Monday. We have made a complete overview of all the offshore wind events, so you can easily navigate!?
Kristin will take offshore wind events to new levels
Norwegian Offshore Wind has hired Kristin Davidsen as Event Manager.?
- I’m thrilled to be joining the NOW team and using my experience from the maritime and oil and gas sectors in developing events and arenas in this exciting new industry, says Davidsen.
You can now sign up for Havvindkonferansen
The Minister of Petroleum and Energy will open this year's Havvindkonferansen in Oslo. We have now opened for registration.
Havvindkonferansen October 17 gathers the whole industry for discussions and new knowledge regarding the home market in Norway. This year, we are also organizing networking and B2Bs.
Featured member: VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S?
Our member VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S has contributed to save more than 5000 lives around the world.
They provide life-saving equipment for the offshore wind industry, based on mature, proven products.
Featured member: Seawind Ocean Technology
What if less is more? Our member Seawind Ocean Technology has a 2-blade wind turbine technology that is fully patented.?
This engineering company offers services and equipment throughout the value chain, starting from early project development and wind turbine engineering, to wind turbine supply and revenue-generating operations.?
2023 er ?ret hvor det blir klart hvem som f?r bygge ut de f?rste storskala havvindparkene i Norge. N?ringen har jobbet beinhardt for ? f? fart p? f?rste fase. Ambisjonene vi har satt oss krever nye areal, nye l?sninger og nye ideer. Er samfunnet rigget for at vi skal n? m?lene v?re?
Norges ambisjoner p? havvind skaper titusenvis av nye arbeidsplasser. Sp?rsm?let er: Hvem st?r klare til ? ta dem? Industrien selv er tydelige p? at behovet for h?yere utdanning innen havvind er stort. Ny teknologi skal f? kostnadene ned og l?nnsomheten opp. Ny infrastruktur m? planlegges og bygges. Ny forskning skal bidra til ? sikre en sk?nsom utvikling p? naturens premisser.
Norges ambisjoner p? havvind skaper titusenvis av nye arbeidsplasser. Sp?rsm?let er: Hvem st?r klare til ? ta dem? Industrien selv er tydelige p? at behovet for h?yere utdanning innen havvind er stort. Ny teknologi skal f? kostnadene ned og l?nnsomheten opp. Ny infrastruktur m? planlegges og bygges. Ny forskning skal bidra til ? sikre en sk?nsom utvikling p? naturens premisser.
Havvind er den nye norske storindustrien. Den representerer en ny tid med ny giv. Likevel tar vi med oss gamle maktstrukturer fra olje og gass.