Weekly offshore wind updates
Norwegian Offshore Wind
Our goal is to increase profits by cooperating on innovation and market opportunities.
Norway and Greece bolster offshore wind ties
Norwegian Offshore Wind and Hellenic Wind Energy Association ELETAEN, the national wind association in Greece, was this week awarded funding support through the EEA Grants.
The funding will be used to map the Greek supply chain in offshore wind and link it to Norwegian counterparts. Since ports are seen as central aspect of the supply chain, a special emphasis will put on mapping the ports in Greece capable for delivering for offshore wind.
UK is the top market for floating offshore wind – Norway comes second
According to the latest report from 4C offshore, UK is still the most attractive market, followed by Norway and South Korea.
The report ranks the markets: 1. UK. 2. Norway. 3. South Korea. 4. US.??5. Japan. 6. France. 7. Spain. 8. Italy. 9. Portugal.
Join our Visit NOW to Maine (US)
Along with the US West Coast, the Gulf of Maine (GOM) is poised to become the birthplace of the nation’s floating offshore wind industry. On this Visit NOW we will organize a trip to Maine in connection with the American Floating Offshore Wind Technical Summit.?
AFloat 2023 brings together leading experts to address these drivers and challenges to chart a course for floating offshore wind in the US.
Participating companies in Visit NOW will meet with stake holders from the industry who are in the area, and we are looking into possible site visits and networking opportunities.
Featured member: Haugaland Business Park
Offshore wind equals regional development, and our member?Haugaland N?ringspark (Gismarvik) / Haugaland Business Park??welcomes new green industries that will give value to the region.
Value in form of new businesses and new value creation, and also those that are in symbiosis with existing companies and value chains in the region. The business park offers 500 hectare (with zoning), deep water quay and clean energy.
Featured member: Magnora Offshore Wind
By combining Magnora’s renewable project development experience with TechnipFMC’s extensive experience from executing integrated large offshore and subsea projects Magnora Offshore Wind is positioned to take an active part in the green transition.?
Currently they are developing their?#ScotWind?site, project?#Talisk?comprising 33 turbines and 495 MW in capacity.??Now, they are looking for new opportunities in Norway, Celtic Sea and other markets.
2023 er ?ret hvor det blir klart hvem som f?r bygge ut de f?rste storskala havvindparkene i Norge. N?ringen har jobbet beinhardt for ? f? fart p? f?rste fase. Ambisjonene vi har satt oss krever nye areal, nye l?sninger og nye ideer. Er samfunnet rigget for at vi skal n? m?lene v?re?
Regjeringen St?re har vedtatt at havvind er en prioritert eksportsatsing for Norge. N? skal vi i industrien dykke dypere inn i festtalene for ? se om det faktisk er sammenheng mellom m?l og muskler.
Norges ambisjoner p? havvind skaper titusenvis av nye arbeidsplasser. Sp?rsm?let er: Hvem st?r klare til ? ta dem? Industrien selv er tydelige p? at behovet for h?yere utdanning innen havvind er stort. Ny teknologi skal f? kostnadene ned og l?nnsomheten opp. Ny infrastruktur m? planlegges og bygges. Ny forskning skal bidra til ? sikre en sk?nsom utvikling p? naturens premisser.
Havvind er den nye norske storindustrien. Den representerer en ny tid med ny giv. Likevel tar vi med oss gamle maktstrukturer fra olje og gass.