Weekly Newsletter
Ronald Hadrian . D, Ph.D.
Author|Trainer| Ghostwriter|5 Published Books| Trained 1000+ Students and Faculty| 40+ Ghostwriting Clients(Fiction& Non Fiction)
Greetings to all. If you are reading this, then you have either subscribed to my newsletter at some point or you are my friend, and I didn't care to ask for permission to send you my newsletter. Well, it is insane out there. What do you mean? The amount of information that is available is so mind-boggling, that you can drown in it. But I am here to save you. This is me going insane to bring you sane news on great topics. It will be useful, I promise. Every week on Saturday, I will let you know what I am reading, so that you can read. What I am doing, my favourite blog posts of the week, YouTube videos, and, of course, updates about my startup( insider's view of the gut wrenching business side of it.) So let's get started!
What am I reading?
I am reading Swan Song by Robert McCarhon. I have completed around 20 percent of the book. I'm hoping to complete this book by this week. Below is the Goodreads summary of the book.
An ancient evil roams the desolate landscape of an America ravaged by nuclear war. He is the Man with the Scarlet Eye, a malevolent force that feeds on the dark desires of the countless followers he has gathered into his service. His only desire is to find a special child named Swan and destroy her.?
What course am I presently taking up?
DRH update
It is just in the beginning stages. In the past six months, it brought in a revenue of 850 $. Hoping to grow to 10,000 dollars by the year's end. And I will share my journey, my strategies, and, of course, all the dumb decisions I will make. But hey, how else do you learn.
Tricks and Tips I Learned This Week
The syntax for the ROUND function is ROUND(number or the cell name, decimal places), where number is the number you want to round, and decimal places is the number of decimal places you want to round to.?This is pretty basic stuff, but useful. This comes in handy when you have to complete CO-PO. (You will know what I mean if you are a professor.)
Best Blog Posts I read this week
Here are the top three articles I read this week.
Thank you for reading. Hope it was at-least a tiny bit useful. As usual lot of information out there, but take one useful idea and try to implement it this week.
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