Weekly Newsletter from Osprey - Couples Dynamics
?Gillian Andale
??I help Couples who want a pragmatic approach to having a strong relationship in their business or retirement life together. Multi-award winner, International Speaker and Author??
Welcome to this week's newsletter where I provide insights for couples who work together in their business, family businesses and couples looking to move to a new chapter in their lives. This week I am focusing on our relationships and why we struggle with them.
Rory Kilmartin has spent 30 years struggling with the relationship puzzle and has identified four archetypes that everyone aligns with. These archetypes are another layer in our Identity compass and I go into more detail in the article near the end of this newsletter. But first I am adapting one of Rory's stories to set the scene (please substitute your own higher power so it is relevant to you).
An old religious man named John was struck ill.? While lying in his bed, God came down to speak with him. God wanted to help John out since he lived a long life devoted to his faith.
?God knew John’s time was short, so he asked him if there was anything he wanted to do here on Earth before he passed on.
John said, Yes. I’ve always wanted to see Bermuda, but I’m afraid of flying. Can you build a bridge to Bermuda so I can see it before I go?
?God quickly began to explain how difficult that would be…?All the problems it would cause, the material it would take. The fuel needed to drive, what would happen to the environment and marine life etc… It was out of the question.
?So, God asked John if there was something else he would want.? John thought about it for a few moments and replied with…?
Yes, I’d like to fully understand my wife and other women.
God looked at John with a blank face for a few seconds. He then softly asked John, ‘What car would you like to drive to Bermuda in?…’
?Understanding other people has been a significant challenge for pretty much everyone. We all wish we had a hand guide to our partner or children. To just know what they are thinking and why they do the things they do.
That is where an Identity Compass comes in with the Survival Archetypes being one very important part, as it is focused on our relationships. I have expertise in Personality Profiles (being in flow), Core Values (what drives us), Love Languages (how we feel appreciated and loved), and our Human Needs (actualisation). Rory Kilmartin 's work gives us the missing piece in the hand guide we can all have
Take the time to learn about ourselves, our loved ones, our colleagues, friends, etc. Many free or reasonable assessments will provide insights.
If you need help putting all these layers together, I am starting masterclasses to help with this.
Your archetypal nature shapes absolutely everything in your life. How you fight, what attracts you, how you deal with things, how you see the world, your relationship to time, to money, to arguing, to anger, to love, to compassion. Everything.
Rory Kilmartin
Archetypes as identical psychic structures common to all.
Carl Jung
Here is the link to a Masterclass (approx 1 hour) that explains the four archetypes. https://www.archetypalrelationships.com/Masterclass
Here is the link to the free assessment for you to find out which Archetype you are: https://bit.ly/FourArchetypes
I have a question for you.
Why do kind, well-meaning benevolent people who love each other, people who are thoughtful, committed, decent, and really willing to do their best (You may recognise yourself in some of these words) struggle with the relationships in your life? This is the puzzle relationship researchers have struggled with. Unfortunately, people go through misery and so do their children, and families break up and people really struggle because they don't have a solution.
Our archetype influences our thoughts, emotions, values, behaviours, and much, much, more. It is another layer in the identity compass, which is a combination of layers of conscious and unconscious behaviours and is 'who we are'.
How do Archetypes differ from Personality Profiles? The answer is they are very similar personality frameworks, each with its unique context and application.
Rory KilMartin's Archetypes are oriented towards understanding interpersonal relationships and personal behaviours.
Roger James Hamiltons's Wealth and Talent Dynamics (my favourites), on the other hand, is focused on our environments, to understand strengths and challenges to recognise where we are most trusted and will be in flow to find our path of least resistance.
Whilst Wealth and Talent Dynamics is applicable to relationships and Archetypes can be applied in the business environment, they are best used where their strengths lie.
Yesterday I did an article that describes the four archetypes: Gorilla, Wolf, Fox and Sheep. https://bit.ly/4Archetypepost and I have done several posts about Wealth Dynamics in the past, but haven't posted anything recently, so here is an old post: https://bit.ly/WDHPT
If you want to know more, don't forget to send me a Direct Message or set up a FREE meeting with me through my Calendar: https://calendly.com/ospreyvip/partnership-harmony
It's been a very quiet week for Osprey - Couples Dynamics. I have been concentrating on building my reach through LinkedIn.
I am still in Brisbane, Australia enjoying the hot weather rather than suffering with the winter woos in the UK, however, we are returning on 16th February.
I have also been very active with my Chief People Officer role for the company I belong to, very exciting times are ahead as we build a group.
For my Australian readers, I wish you a "Happy Australia Day" with all the controversy that now surrounds it. I hope you are still going to have your Lamington Cake, take part in Thong throwing and enjoy your backyard BBQs!
Hey there! ?? It's fantastic to see your dive into the world of Archetypes within Compass Identity. As Carl Jung once said, "The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." Your exploration is inspiring, and it would be fascinating to see a future theme around how these archetypes influence decision-making in various environments. Keep up the great work! ???? #Exploration #CarlJung #IdentityJourney