???Weekly NEWSFLASH??

If you still haven't noticed, we're in a Bear Market...

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Just know that everyone is going through this together, and well you don't need us to share more bad news.

?? That's why this week let's have a laugh or two:


Let’s not forget, take this time as ideal to invest - in yourself! Improve on things you wanted to, and learn more on things you didn’t get a chance to.

??Seth Green’s Ape is back home

You all probably heard that four of Seth Green's NFTs worth more than $300,000 were stolen last month. One of them was the Bored Ape NFT #8398, which was also meant to be the star of Green’s upcoming TV show "White Horse Tavern."

Now that’s drama.

But this story has a semi-sweet ending, thankfully on Thursday, during an appearance on a Twitter Spaces chat, Green confirmed that the NFT “is home.”

While it is not immediately clear what convinced DarkWing84 to return the NFT to its initial owner—money aside—the events surrounding the story raised questions regarding the intellectual property (IP) rights conferred by NFT ownership.


?? How not to let this happen to you!

With all the new and more sophisticated scams happening daily, here are a few tips on how to keep your NFTs safe.

Phishing scams and suspicious pop-ups:

If a bad guy gets a hold of your private information through a phishing attempt, they can drain all of the crypto in your digital wallet. The most general rule is always go directly to the verified website for any crypto transactions, never using links, pop-ups or your email to enter your information.

Write your seed phrase down on paper, and never give it out to anyone – don’t even store a photo of it in your phone.

Catfishing and fake personas:

If you ever receive a direct message from someone who claims to be a founder, celebrity or influencer, don’t respond. It’s commonly known in the NFT world that C-level staff will never DM you unless you send them a message first or you come to a specific agreement in a public Twitter thread or Discord channel.

Counterfeit or plagiarized NFTs:

Before buying an NFT from any marketplace, do your research to make sure the artwork you are buying is from a verified account. Look for the blue check mark next to the artist’s profile picture. If there is none, find the artist on Twitter or through their website or other social media channels - and check if the art on the specific marketplace is actually theirs.

For more useful tips read:




