Weekly News by WEZOM

Weekly News by WEZOM

What Is AES Encryption and How Does It Work?

The question of cybersecurity plays a crucial role for any modern business. And quite a lot of people still remember the infamous Equifax story...

In September 2017, the company announced a large-scale cyberattack. As a result, hackers gained access to sensitive information of approximately 147 million customers (including their names, social security numbers, dates of birth, addresses, and credit card numbers). Equifax faced numerous lawsuits from regulators and shareholders and was forced to compensate affected customers. The overall financial losses associated with this breach reached hundreds of millions of dollars.

At that time, Equifax used an encryption algorithm called Triple DES (3DES) to protect confidential data. However, the current widely accepted standard is AES Encryption. In this article, we want to provide a detailed explanation of what it is, how does AES work, and how to use cybersecurity algorithms within your project.

How Data Science Revolutionizes Finance Sector

Have you ever wondered how Uber calculates trip prices? How Netflix accurately predicts which movie to recommend for your evening? Or why Google displays these specific websites in your search results?

Mostly they work on the basis of Data Science — an area of research that includes various aspects of statistics, machine learning, analytics, and financial planning. Actually, Data Science in financial services is exactly the topic we would like to explore in this article. But first, let's start with some theoretical part to provide a deeper understanding of the theme.

We Have Become ASTQB Partners!

The ISTQB exam is one of the most significant exams that confirms theoretical and practical skills in applying Agile, automation, and artificial intelligence in software testing. Obtaining this certificate allows us to become ASTQB partners and, thus, get into the Official U.S. List of Certified Software Testers?, which is used as a benchmark for real professionalism by many employers in the United States.

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