Weekly News Round Up 11/11

Weekly News Round Up 11/11


Hi everyone,

Welcome to our COP27 - UN Climate Change Conference edition of our weekly news round up.

Here are our top 5 news pieces for this week with key takeaways:

1. COP 27: Kenya eyes 30GW of renewable hydrogen - Cop 27: Kenya eyes 30GW of renewable hydrogen | Argus Media

? ? Key takeaways:

  • ?At the United Nations Cop 27 climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, William S. Ruto said his government has signed a "framework agreement" with an undisclosed investor "to produce 30GW of green hydrogen" in Kenya ??
  • Ruto said that the #renewable power had potential to come from Kenya's wind, solar and geothermal sources ?
  • Production of 30GW would be equivalent to three times the UK's overall low-carbon #hydrogen production target of 10GW for 2030 ??
  • The International Energy Agency (IEA) expects that parts of Kenya could by 2030 produce renewable hydrogen at costs that are among the lowest on the continent ??

2. Blue and green hydrogen priority for Net Zero, says new report - Blue and green hydrogen priority for Net Zero, says new report (h2-view.com)

? ? Key takeaways:

  • ?The Closing the Gap: A Global Perspective report priorities five international collaboration actions to accelerate technology innovation and deployment internationally and achieve #NetZero as quickly, efficiently and affordably as possible. The report states the following ??:
  • Hydrogen #innovation at the pace and scale needed requires more collaboration, testing, and demonstration facilities. ?
  • #Carboncapture cost reduction will be achieved through the development of novel materials. ?
  • Floating offshore wind can be boosted by collaboration on innovative and standardised modular substructures. ??
  • Internationally aligned grid connection and transmission infrastructure will improve energy security. ?
  • Shared industry data trust can unlock rapid development and adoption of new Net Zero solutions to #decarbonise industries globally ??
  • “The current global #energycrisis puts #energysecurity under the spotlight. Urgent collaborative investment in new affordable low-carbon technologies is needed to accelerate innovation, reduce the costs of the energy transition, and deliver energy security,” said Luca Corradi , Innovation Network Director at the NZTC. ??


3. COP 27: EU to sign three deals for green hydrogen - Cop 27: EU to sign three deals for green hydrogen | Argus Media

? Key takeaways:

  • The EU will sign three initial agreements for imports of renewable hydrogen at the #cop27 UN climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said ??
  • An agreement with Kazakhstan was concluded on 7 November, and will be followed by deals with Namibia and Egypt ??
  • The #eu will invest in the required infrastructure through the Global Gateway programme which was launched last year and has been endowed with €300bn ($299.5bn). The programme is intended to "deliver #sustainable and high-quality projects, taking into account the needs of partner countries and ensuring lasting benefits for local communities” ??
  • Renewable hydrogen is among several areas covered by the agreement with Kazakhstan, alongside raw material supply chains and batteries and Kazakhstan's abundant #wind power generation capacity could allow for extensive renewable #hydrogen production in the country ??
  • The government late last month signed an investment agreement with Hyrasia One, a subsidiary of German renewable project developer Svevind AB , for development of a 20GW renewable hydrogen project, one of the largest planned #globally. The project in the Mangystau region could produce around 2mn t/yr by 2032, equivalent to around one-fifth of the 10mn t/yr that the EU aims to import by the end of this decade ??
  • Namibia and Egypt are also well placed for renewable hydrogen production at relatively low costs, as they can harness strong #solar and wind power. The EU's agreement with Namibia is expected to be signed on 8 November ?


4. Six reasons to be cheerful about the climate’s future - Six reasons to be cheerful about the climate’s future | News | The Times

? Key takeaways:

  • At least 18 countries have managed to cut their carbon #emissions consistently for more than a decade, the UN’s #climate science panel reported this year. The UK has successfully reduced emissions faster than most rich countries. Total UK #greenhousegasemissions have fallen 47.3 per cent since 1990 ??
  • “As countries were heading to Paris in 2015, the world was on track to warm by around 3.5C this century. Now, we’re heading for more like 2.5C — and that’s based on firm policies already in place today, rather than vague promises for the future.” Said Simon Evans at the climate website Carbon Brief ??
  • The UK’s #climatechange Committee, an independent body which advises the government on how to meet its carbon targets, said in June that soaring #gasprices meant that meeting #netzero would flip from a 0.5 per cent cost to GDP by 2035, to a 0.5 per cent saving by 2035 ??
  • The quality of the air that we breathe is improving ?
  • America recently passed #legislation that commits the country to spending £318 billion on #cleanenergy . The package, which largely consists of incentives for key technologies such as #wind and #solar power, #electric cars and #hydrogen, is expected to deliver a 40 per cent emissions cut by 2030, not far off Biden’s target ??
  • Globally, 91 per cent of the world’s GDP is covered by countries with a net zero target. That marks a rapid adoption of a relatively new idea: in 2019, the UK was the first big economy to pass a net zero law ??
  • Giant #electrolysers are being built next to an #offshorewind farm in northeast England to split water and produce a clean supply of hydrogen ??


5. UK announces major new package of climate support at COP27 - UK announces major new package of climate support at COP27 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

? Key takeaways:

  • Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has cemented the UK’s COP legacy with a series of announcements on #energytransition, #climatefinancing and forest and nature preservation, as he hands over the baton to Egypt at COP 27 ?
  • The #ukgovernment will commit to triple funding for climate adaptation as part of that budget, from £500m in 2019 to £1.5bn in 2025 ??
  • The PM will also confirm £65 million in funding for the Nature, People and Climate Investment Fund, which supports indigenous and local forest communities, and new financing for Treevive ??
  • The Prime Minister will announce a further £65.5 million for the #CleanEnergy Innovation Facility today, which provides grants to researchers and scientists in developing countries to accelerate the development of #cleantechnology ??

Thank you for reading, please ??, comment and share!




