Weekly News Round Up 07/10

Weekly News Round Up 07/10


?Hi everyone,

Welcome to another edition of our Weekly News Round Up. Here are our top 5 news pieces for this week with key takeaways:

1. Hydrogen hub worth £300m gets approval in Trafford - Massive hydrogen hub worth £300m gets approval in Trafford - Manchester Evening News

? ? Key takeaways:

  • ?The energy will be used to power #buses #HGVs and #industry ??
  • Trafford Council has approved Carlton Power Limited 's £300million scheme at Manchester Road in Carrington ??
  • The scheme will have capacity to generate up to 200MW of #energy ?
  • The first 15-20MW phase will create around 200 #construction jobs in a 2-year period and 10 full time operational roles ??
  • The scheme’s construction and operation is dependent on receiving financial support from the Government’s Hydrogen Investment Package ??
  • Carlton Power is undertaking the project with a local consortium, comprising The Manchester Met MBA , Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), Trafford Council , Cadent Gas Limited and Electricity North West

2. Europe needs swift action to cut reliance on Russian fertiliser -Yara - Europe needs swift action to cut reliance on Russian fertiliser -Yara (yahoo.com)

? ? Key takeaways:

  • ?" Yara International calls on the European Union and national governments to act urgently and decisively to ensure Europe reduces, and not strengthens, its dependency on Russia for food and #fertilisers ," ??
  • The company in August said it had slashed its #ammonia output, deploying just 35% of its European capacity as the spot price of #naturalgas rose by about 300% from the start of the year ??
  • Ammonia plays a key role in the manufacturing of fertilisers. Without it, #cropyields will deteriorate because nutrients removed from soil during #harvesting are not replenished ??
  • "Curtailed production in Europe reduces #worldwide availability of fertilisers and has direct, negative consequences for the global food system and global #foodsecurity," Yara said ??

3. Government launches £20m hydrogen competition - Government launches £20m hydrogen competition - Energy Live News

? Key takeaways:

  • The £20 million competition in Tees Valley will support the use of hydrogen in new #transport projects ??
  • Innovate UK is running the competition, which will see businesses and research groups bid for the cash based on their ideas for how #hydrogen can be used as a #renewable fuel source ??
  • Large-scale #refuelling stations for public buses and coaches, growing the supply chain and developing more efficient systems for #hydrogen trucks are the key areas of concentration for the competition ??
  • £300,000 is also being provided to train new employees and develop a #workforce that will help with #hydrogentechnologies specifically ??
  • Transport Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP said: “#climatechange is one of the biggest challenges this generation faces, and with transport contributing 24% to the UK’s carbon levels, we are working hard to change things now and for the future.” ??


4. Danish partnership breaks ground of green ammonia plant - Danish partnership breaks ground of green ammonia plant (h2-view.com)

? Key takeaways:

  • The ‘world’s first dynamic’ #greenammonia plant has started, which will use a Nel Hydrogen electrolyser system ??
  • Topsoe , Skovgaard Energy , and 维斯塔斯 has said the Power-to-X plant in Lemvig, Denmark will demonstrate how #renewablepower can be coupled with the ammonia plant, making it a cost-effective way of producing green ammonia
  • The project has received DKK 81m ($10.8m) in funding from the Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (EUDP) ??
  • The plant is expected to produce more than 5,000 tonnes of green ammonia annually, while preventing 8,200 tonnes of #carbondioxide emissions ?
  • The plant will integrate #wind, #solar, and #electrolysis with an #ammoniasynthesis loop, to secure the production process from power fluctuations ???
  • Kim Gr?n?Kundsen, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at Topsoe, said, “The plant will serve as a prime example of how we can replace #fossil-based fuels and #fertiliser by #carbonneutral alternatives via electrolysis.” ??


5. The world’s first hydrogen-powered haul truck could help clean up the mining industry - The world's first hydrogen-powered haul truck could help clean up the mining industry | CNN

? ? Key takeaways:

  • ?“According to 麦肯锡 , the #mining industry annually contributes up to 7% of the world’s #carbonemissions . Roughly 50% of that comes from the #haulage trucks” says David Gerhardt , principal systems engineer for First Mode , a Seattle-based clean energy company. ??
  • First Mode says it has created the world’s largest mobile hydrogen power plant – a hybrid that integrates #hydrogenfuelcells with #battery power ??
  • Standing three stories tall and weighing 500 metric tons fully loaded, a typical mining haul truck is one of the largest #vehicles on the planet. To power the hydrogen fuel cell truck, the plant has to generate 2MW of #electricity per second, which is enough energy to power 1,500 American homes ??
  • Gerhardt describes the power plant as weighing as much as five elephants and capable of #transporting a load weighing the same as 100 elephants. “You can imagine the power that it takes to move 100 elephants up the hill at 15 kilometers an hour,” he adds. ??
  • In May 2022, the #hydrogenpowered haul truck made its official debut at the Mogalakwena mine in South Africa owned by Anglo American . An average mining haul truck in its fleet consumes 900,000 litres of #diesel fuel a year ?




