??Weekly Mind Sweep #49 | Curated Conversation | Change
You can change. You choose not to. Chickbook Creative.

??Weekly Mind Sweep #49 | Curated Conversation | Change

Weekly MindSweep Chickbook Creative

IL; RI (It’s longer; Read it)

*Week 49: Curated Conversation: Change

Week 50: Mind Your Business: Change + Business

Week 51. Manage Your Mind: Change + Brain Science/Health

Week 52: Contemplation: What’s On My Mind: My thoughts on Change.

Think Twice. A conversation about neurodivergence in business. Kate Hollis. Jamie Chapman

Current Collaborations

What happens when two business owners with big hearts and quirky brains get together?

An inspired, innovative collab that'll have you thinking about your biz and client experience in brilliant new ways.

Join me (biz ops strategist and brain geek) and Kate Hollis (conversion copywriter and shameless nerd) for a FREE online event called:

"Think Twice: A Conversation About Neurodivergence in Business" on

Friday, December 16th

Free LIVE event

We're going to dig into the GIFTS & CHALLENGES of Neurodivergence in Business! And discuss ways to support yourselves and others.

This LIVE event will take place in the Chickbook Creative Facebook community, so join here if you haven't already --, and we'll see you at 12 pm on Friday the 16th! (Lunch and learn, anyone?)

Chickbook Creative Community

You can change. You choose not to. Chickbook Creative.

Now, let’s sweep the brain…

I'm fascinated with the topic of Change.

I often wonder how some humans are able to decide to do something different and then get it done, and others can live in the constant loop of life, similar to the movie Groundhog Day. So my curiosity about the ability (or inability) to change often comes up in the conversations I have so I can gain insight into other people's journeys.

This week, as I dug into the definition of Change and researched how Change happens, I was quickly reminded of my choice to quit smoking back in 2005.

I grew up in a household of smokers. I mean, it was the late 70s, and with a 16-year difference between my mother and me, she was still very young. When I was in elementary school, I used to make money buying cigarettes at the local grocery for my neighbor downstairs. At age 7, I had no idea what I was contributing to at the time. I was a child, and I was making money for the things I wanted.

In middle school, that money was to buy cigarettes of my own. Before returning home from school, my friends and I met at the lake to smoke. I became a pack-a-day smoker until 2005.

You look differently at life when changing.

In 2005, I was 28 years old, newly married, moving into a new home, driving a new car, and working in the automotive industry (full of smokers). My then-husband and I decided we would have a baby. (JUST ONE) So, that meant it was time to stop smoking. I knew that smoking had a physical addiction, so to begin, I would need to reduce consumption. I chose to lessen my habit over four weeks. Then, I put them down, and that was it.

You are change-capable.

I learned in that moment of Change that it wasn't just physical addiction. It was mental, too. The opportunity to go outside, relax after eating, and the hand-to-mouth habit. Food replaced smoking until I became aware of that new habit. I thought it was better to eat cookies than smoke. Ultimately, I had to give up the cookies, too.

I was DONE smoking. For me, it was mind over matter. It also taught me that I could do anything I chose to. Being young, I didn't understand why others couldn't do the same. At 45, I have a better understanding and with age comes more empathy, too.

When I reflect on my experience with the Stages of Change, I've learned:

  1. Precontemplation - I had no reason to quit. I was an adult and could do as I pleased; it was my body, my choice.
  2. Contemplation - I decided I was ready to have a baby (ONE baby) and wanted to be as healthy as possible to grow another human (or two!) in my body. Therefore, smoking and being around smokers had to stop. I was ready to be a non-smoker.
  3. Preparation (Determination) - I was aware of the physical addiction and started to lower my consumption. I created the environment of being a non-smoker.
  4. Action - I smoked my last cigarette, threw everything away, cleaned everything out, and began living as a non-smoker.
  5. Maintenance - I became pregnant (now with TWINS!), and smoking was not an option.
  6. Termination - My children were born, and I was a non-smoker for life.

I can now realize how important some of my thoughts and actions enabled my success.

You can change. You choose not to.

My story makes it sound easy. It wasn't. There were challenging days when my brain said, "you can just have one" or "no one will know if you do" It took reminding myself that wasn't true. I would have another if I had one, and *I* would know.

Change takes inner work and begins with awareness.

I have changed quite a bit since 2005. I eat healthier, have a better career, marriage, and culinary skills, and I'm becoming a better writer.

It all started with the choice to change something.

As we approach the famous “time to make changes,” it will take more than a decision, motivation, or willpower. It takes rewiring your neural pathways and some hard work. Ready?

Do you want more success in your life or business?

What do YOU want to CHANGE to improve your successes in life or business?

Let’s Connect

Where to find me

EVERY MONDAY: 8 am - Curated Conversation - Zoom

THINK TWICE Live : Collab with Kate Hollis. Friday, December 16th - 12NOON - Chickbook Creative Community. Are you NOT A MEMBER YET?! Join the group, here.

MISS MY VOICE? Check out recent podcast episodes.

Michelle Obama The LIght We Carry Book Cover

What I’m reading

The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times

by Michelle Obama

C.O.M.E O.N! Let’s get to work.

Change the world

Start with coffee. 8 am - every Monday.

Join us! Curated Conversation: Every Monday at 8 am. If you are receiving this email, you will receive a link to the Zoom meeting every Monday morning at 7 am inviting you to join in at 8 am. If an amazing woman has forwarded you this email, you can get more Jamie Chapman in your life, here.

One-on-One: Personalized MindSweep Mapping, Pick My Brain, Consulting. = more Jamie Chapman.

MindSweep Mapping: Let’s map out a path that takes you from idea to profit.

Engaging Emails: Thank you for being here!

Oh, you haven’t met me yet? Let’s Connect! Free Consultation or Network Connection.

Now.Time to act.

Have thoughts? Reply and share!

Jamie Chapman. Chickbook Creative.

My name is Jamie Chapman.

I am the owner and founder of Chickbook Creative.

My consulting business draws on 25 years of product and service-based business experience.

I have a multifaceted approach to problem-solving with extensive knowledge in executive functioning, habit formation, and understanding the mind of an entrepreneur.

I share my financial, sales, marketing, and brand-building skills to support like-hearted business owners who value strategic growth.

What got you here won’t get you where you want to go. I can get you there.

I am a Catalyst for Change

Oh, and I'm funny

Time with me; Priceless


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