Weekly Market Review
Michael Acho
Guardian of the Wealth of the Most Productive People on Earth | Creating, Protecting and Distributing Wealth for Clients
Good afternoon,
Welcome to a shortened Thanksgiving week. And in honor of that, welcome to a slightly fluffy edition of the WMR. By fluffy, I mean 1. I haven’t included anything super important that you must know. And 2. I review my most recent live comedian excursion, Fluffy Iglesias.
One reader commented on my DOGE mention last week. He helpfully pointed out that the upcoming department is not a governmental agency and therefore does not require approval of congress or a spot in the cabinet.
So will it have any power to do anything? I asked.
Zero executive or legislative power, but it will have the ear of the POTUS, who does have some powers.
This should be fun to watch.
?Thanks to many of you for the introductions to friends/family. Here are some of the topics that have generated questions from friends of the WMR.
IRA rollover because of a job change.
Roth conversion. Can I? Should I?
Capital gains. How can I reduce my tax obligation?
Social security. When should I take it? How much will I get?
Social security. How does working affect my benefits?
Savings bonds.? My mom bought some many years ago for my kids. What can I do with those?
Post election investment strategies. Now what?
Estate planning. How do I get my stuff to the people I want?
Life insurance. Do I need some?
So while you’re with your friends and/or family over this coming holiday, if any financial/investment related topics come up, pass along my name. As always, any chats I may have with friends of WMR are complimentary, confidential and brief. Thank you.
As you recover from food and football on Thursday, don’t forget to enjoy your Black Friday.
Why do they call it Black Friday? Because retailers allegedly do so much business on that day that it makes them profitable, or puts them “in the black,” for the year. Have fun with that.
?Perhaps more importantly, if you do need to make some purchases, check out your local small business people. They’re the backbone of our commerce. When you purchase from a small business, rather than supporting faceless corporations, you’re supporting local families and a local community.
And then of course, there’s Cyber Monday. If you choose to participate in that, as an Amazon shareholder, I thank you.
Welcome to the food section of the Thanksgiving WMR. The next few paragraphs have little or nothing to do with financial planning/investments/markets, I just felt that with a big, fancy meal on the agenda this week, now was a good time to include them. Please skip ahead if you’ve got better things to do.
I’ll start with this,
Thanksgiving pizza?
That may not sound appetizing at first, but this guy makes it look pretty good.
I think I would definitely give it a try.
And next, this survey about whether Americans really like turkey. 35% don’t like turkey?? That can’t be true. I demand a recount.
A new survey shows that nearly 35% of Americans say they consider turkey to be their least favorite food when it comes to traditional Thanksgiving dishes. | Fox News
And finally, I made a poor food decision.
WARNING – What follows is an unnecessarily long personal food related story, so please feel free to bypass it if you don’t have the time or the interest.
I made a bad decision last week. Which isn’t in itself completely unexpected. I’ve made scores of bad decisions in various areas of life over the years. Though I hope they’re becoming fewer as I continue to grow and mature. This one wasn’t tragic or dangerous or really that important at all in the scheme of things. But it did confirm something that I learned long ago. I like carbs, but they don’t like me.
The punchline of the story is that I ate too much pasta and felt awful most of the next day. That was a bad decision. Here are the details with a way too long version of the episode.
I often have trouble sleeping. Not falling asleep necessarily, but staying asleep. I tend to wake up many times. I tell people that I sleep like a baby. I wake up every two hours and cry for 20 minutes. Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I’ll turn on something to watch, which has led to finding comedians, documentaries and other shows of interest.
One night recently, I found a series called The Pasta Queen.
In summary, it’s a cooking show with an Italian woman traveling between Italy and her home in FL, showing us how items like cheese are produced and preparing various Italian meals. It’s not exactly “must see TV” but it’s cute, I like cooking and she seems fun.
One episode was homemade fettucine Alfredo. I did not know until I watched that alfredo sauce consists of only butter and parmesan cheese. That’s it. No other ingredients save for the pasta itself. I also learned that it was invented by Chef Alfredo in the early 1900s to help his wife recover from childbirth. Now you know.
“I can do that,” I thought to myself, but I’m going to add chicken to mine. So a few days later, I gathered organic pesticide free Italian pasta (made only of durum wheat and spring water,) some organic unsalted, grass fed butter, some fresh grated parmesan, some organic chicken breasts and salt and pepper. 6 ingredients at a total cost of maybe $30.
I prepared it just as the Pasta Queen had, while sautéing the chicken as well. I sent my kids pics of the process along the way. Here was the end result.
“How did it taste?” My daughter texted.
Good, but not quite as good as it looked.
Yes, I ate that entire plate.
As any regular WMR reader knows by now, I lean much more heavily towards high quality protein for my calories. Not so much carbs. And even when it comes to carbs, I prefer small side servings of simple carbs like rice or potatoes or vegetables, not usually pasta or bread. So my delicate system was unprepared for the incoming carbo load. It didn’t take an hour before I regretted my meal choice. And I continued to regret it well into the next day. I felt bloated, inflamed, lethargic, just generally uncomfortable. I fasted, water only, for 24 hours before I felt ok again. I donated the leftovers, there was a lot, to a colleague who’s 12 y/o old son enthusiastically enjoyed it.
Moral of the story, you are what you eat. There is a direct relationship between what you consume and how you feel. And it’s very personal. Many of you might have enjoyed my chicken fettucine alfredo with no adverse effects at all. Me, not so much. Stick with high quality protein as your main calorie source, avoid processed carbs, sugar and seed oils and your body will thank you.
?This week’s comedian review was an in person show with Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias at Little Caesar’s Arena. It was my second time seeing Fluffy in person and he was good. I’ve enjoyed a lot of Fluffy over the last few years. Whoa, that sounds weird…but I mean his various specials and now a couple of live shows and I like him. His style is storytelling about events and episodes in his life. And he’s been touring for 30 years, so there is plenty of experience to draw from. For example, there was an extended bit about his experience buying his first firearm in California a few years ago. Which he was spurred to do because his house had been robbed. Very funny. He had some bits about being on the road, which he is for 45 weeks per year. His bus driver Dave and long time friend Martin provide material as well. A couple of bits about his 2 pet chihuahuas, Vinnie and Risa. He’s also really good at doing voices. In all, another enjoyable Fluffy experience and if you haven’t already, take some time to look him up.
Sidenote and ticket buying tip. Little Caesars Arena, where the Detroit Pistons and Detroit Red Wings play, is a big venue. 20,000 person capacity. It holds slightly less than that for concerts or shows because they put the stage at one end. But, there isn’t really a bad seat because there are 3 giant video screens behind the performer. Everyone can see the screens well from everywhere. In some of the smaller venues where I’ve attended shows, where they don’t have supplemental video screens, it’s more important to try for better seats up close. At LCA, that’s not necessary. You can get away with paying less for your tickets and still have a great view of the performance. Although, on second thought if you’re just going to watch a screen, why attend in person at all?
This week’s chuckle is the same one I include each Thanksgiving.
Here is 4 minutes of Adam Sandler’s Thanksgiving song on Saturday Night Live from 1992,
Wow, how young does Adam look here?
Safe for work.
And your bonus chuckle this week is the famous WKRP turkey drop
Safe for work.
LF30 – “Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates.
?Have a great week, a Happy Thanksgiving and stay healthy.
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