Weekly Market Review
Michael Acho
Guardian of the Wealth of the Most Productive People on Earth | Creating, Protecting and Distributing Wealth for Clients
Good afternoon,
?Let’s get this minor bit of unpleasantness out of the way first this week. After 2 years and countless exposures, I finally caught the covid last week. Or I guess the covid finally caught me. As I prepared to celebrate New Year’s Eve in sunny S. Florida, that morning I got that tickle in the back of my throat, the one where you know something is up and it’s just a matter of time. Long story short, a few days earlier, several of my companions in FL, all vaxxed, felt under the weather so they tested themselves. 4 positives. Which made me think that it might be hard for me to dodge it this time. Sure enough, by dinner I had some mild symptoms and went to bed around halftime of the Orange Bowl game, which was good because I missed much of the drubbing put upon my Michigan football Wolverines. Next day didn’t feel so great, not awful, but not great and spent the day in the fresh air watching my Notre Dame football Irish give up a big lead and get beaten in the Fiesta Bowl. Was pretty lethargic all day. Sunday felt better, I got back on my feet and logged 12,000 steps in the sunshine. By Monday morning, only a bit of residual sore throat and cough, but felt fine. Treated myself, as I’ve done forever, with mega doses of coconut water, vitamin c and vitamin d and I’m certain being in the fresh air and warm temps were a big help. In truth, I never actually tested myself, but feel safe in assuming that if my friends all had it, none of them very serious either, then so did I. I chalk my 2-day recovery up to the fact that I was healthy going in, no underlying issues, no vitamin deficiencies, and a strong immune system in the first place. I know the virus has not been well to others, but in my case, it wasn’t too bad.
?And here are some guys trimming a coconut tree. Not exactly like in the islands where you might see a local kid shimmy up the trunk and pull them off by hand, but pretty cool anyway. I did grab a few of the coconuts and drank the fresh water. Delicious.
Coconut water is what you get when you crack open a coconut.
Coconut milk is what you get when you squeeze the coconut meat.
Coconut cream is what you get when you press the meat even more.
Cream of coconut is what you get when you add sugar to coconut cream.
And Coconuts is a popular, albeit overrated, Ft. Lauderdale restaurant. https://www.coconutsfortlauderdale.com/
Now you know.
And yes, there are still many more super expensive cars than I can count driving down the roads each day. Get outta here with your Beemers and Benzes, I’m talking Bentleys and Rolls Royce and Lambos.
The calendar may have changed, but so far, nothing feels that different. Some momentary optimism that this year will bring better news and perhaps some sanity in the world but a quick glance at the headlines takes out that theory. So, let’s just ignore the headlines, again, and move on with our lives. I often mention that most people are neither as physically healthy nor as financially healthy as they aspire to be. After the last several years of non-stop agitation in one form or another, I think it’s time to add mentally healthy as well. Like eating junk food sabotages, the body and junk investments sabotage a portfolio, mental junk food will sabotage your brain. What is mental junk food? Most social media, most “news” reports, most TV and radio ads and all pharmaceutical commercials. Like the old computer adage, garbage in, garbage out, if you eat junk food, you’ll feel badly. If you fill your mind with junk input, you’ll also feel badly. So, the WMR will make a concerted effort to ignore the hyperbole and cut to the chase. And as much as I’d like to, I won’t link to any Joe Rogan podcasts this week, though there are several interviews with highly regarded docs that you should listen to. How crazy is it that Joe Rogan and Russell Brand, two stand-up comedians, have become accepted, each with massive followings, alternatives to a media system that seems to have failed us? What kind of world are we living in? Everything is different but nothing has changed.
In this week’s crypto commentary, it was 13 years ago this week that bitcoin was introduced in the white paper by Satoshi Nakamoto.?Here are some bitcoin milestones since that time, https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/03/bitcoin-launched-13-years-ago-today-8-milestones-from-the-past-year.html.?
When I put a crypto commentary blurb in the WMR each week, it is not any type of investment recommendation, let’s consider it for entertainment purposes only. And still to this day, in one of the best kept tech secrets ever, no one knows the actual identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. It should also be noted that we know how much bitcoin Satoshi owns, it’s on the blockchain, and that he’s never sold one. If bitcoin becomes what its supporters project, he could become the wealthiest person who ever lived. Ever. Or if the bitcoin detractors are correct, he’ll become another tech pauper who was wealthy on paper at one time but put his chips on the wrong horse. I tend to think the answer lies somewhere in between, but time will tell. Just for fun, here is that original bitcoin document, https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf.
Speaking of rich guys, Elon Musk’s net worth just passed $300 billion. $300 billion. For one guy. Wow.
This week’s chuckle is the trailer from the movie The Birdcage, with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane. Which just happens to take place mostly in S. Florida. Re-watch the movie again if you haven’t in a while.?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7FcPlt8hHc.
Safe for work.
LF28 – “Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.” – Aldous Huxley.
Have a great week and stay healthy.
This material is for informational and educational purposes only.?It includes links to third party sites not affiliated with Lincoln Financial Advisors.?Lincoln Financial Advisors is not responsible for the content and does not guarantee the accuracy of any information or material contained therein.?Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. does not participate in the crypto marketplace or promote cryptocurrency as an investment strategy. The opinions expressed are those of Michael Acho and not necessarily those of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp.?CRN-4094862-010422
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Michael J. Acho, MBA, CFP?
Private Wealth Advisor
Lincoln Financial Advisors/Sagemark Consulting
1000 Town Center, 26th Floor
Southfield, MI?48075
248-948-5100 direct
248-948-5101 fax
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Michael J. Acho is a registered representative of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp.
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