Weekly Market Review

Weekly Market Review

Good afternoon,


“Hey Mike, what did the market do today?” Was a question asked by a friend as we chatted the other night.

I don’t know.

“What do you mean you don’t know? Isn’t that your business?”

Sort of. I don’t invest in the market, I own shares in the constantly rising dividends of the greatest companies in the world. I don’t really watch the day to day movements….

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Should I get out? Isn’t the market due for a crash.”

Do you need the money for something right now?


Then don’t sell. Rebalance to a more conservative allocation if you’re nervous, but don’t sell out. I can help with that if you’d like.

This manager says that investors should be prepared to go to cash.


He makes a few good points, mostly about rebalancing and having cash for upcoming opportunities, and he might be right. But what if he’s not?


Let’s get a little business out of the way early this week. It’s time to remember RMDs from your IRAs so you don’t create an IOU to the IRS. OK?

Acronym alert…OMG

RMD = required minimum distribution

IRA = individual retirement account





Don’t neglect your RMD if you’re of the appropriate age, here are the guidelines, https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-required-minimum-distributions-rmds

In summary, if you’re 72 y/o or older this year and you have retirement accounts, you’ll have to take a distribution and pay your fair share of taxes on it. Should you not do so, the IRS penalty is 50% of what you should have taken. So don’t forget. If you need help, LMK.


SSA has announced it’s 2022 COLA, based on CPI, for your PIA. WOW.

SSA = social security administration

COLA = cost of living adjustment

CPI = consumer price index

PIA = primary insurance amount

WOW = wow


Social security has said that the 2022 COLA will be 5.9% starting in January. This is the biggest adjustment to SS payments in 40 years.


Wow. Which only continues to prove that the inflation the WMR has been warning about is here. We started sounding the inflation alarm last year when things began getting shut down. Inflation is a completely predictable result of the actions that were taken to “flatten the curve” or “slow the spread” or whatever other thing they want to call it.?Like the man once said, “it ain’t rocket surgery.”


So if your DIY retirement planning strategy consists of fixed income solutions to what is a rising cost problem, you’re slowly committing suicide and your plan will be DOA..


And our last acronym for the day, does anyone else think that they have RBF when on Zoom calls? I certainly feel like I do, even though I try not to.

RBF = Google it.


In world news, I don’t like this story one bit. A world wide corporate tax? What could possibly go wrong?


Another terrible idea from the various people supposedly running things. Where do these “world leaders” think corporations get their money? They collect it from their customers. Which means that any additional expenses they incur, like higher taxes, will necessarily be recouped by charging higher prices for their goods or services. Which means we’ll all pay more. Well, duh. More inflation.?“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” – Robert J. Hanlon. Here is where I fall back to the pragmatic question I’ve posed before, why collect taxes at all? If governments can just print money to spend, I’m of course referring to the US of A, then why is there a need to collect any money at all? IDK and I’m still waiting for a reasonable answer.


Bitcoin and crypto currencies are back in the news. Bitcoin has had a run MTD.


Billionaire Michael Dell is a fan, https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/13/michael-dell-would-be-all-over-crypto-if-a-teenager-today.html

So is the super successful advisor Ric Edelman, https://news.bitcoin.com/financial-advisor-ric-edelman-tremendous-investment-opportunities-bitcoin/


Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan not so much. He thinks that bitcoin is worthless. He also doesn’t think you should smoke cigarettes. Which is a little weird to say because his firm has some crypto currency offerings and probably, I’m speculating here, does business with cigarette vendors of one shape or another.


This guy kind of agrees with Mr. Dimon. He doesn’t care for crypto either. He sees it as a threat to financial markets.


I’ve been doing more than my share of due diligence in the crypto currency and crypto asset space so if you want to talk BTC or ETH or NFT, then HMU.


This week’s chuckle #1 is a headline I saw which read “Buick’s thrilling new lineup is finally here!”

Uh huh. Said no one ever. LOL.


This week’s chuckle #2 is a brief discussion of why you, and me, and everyone else, should buy bitcoin, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-zIbVEjVpQ

Disclaimer, this is not a recommendation to buy or sell anything. It’s a funny video IMO, that’s all.


LF27 – “Don’t gamble, take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don’t go up, don’t buy it.” – Will Rogers.


Have a great week and stay healthy. TTYL.


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Michael J. Acho, MBA, CFP?

Private Wealth Advisor


Lincoln Financial Advisors/Sagemark Consulting

1000 Town Center, 26th Floor

Southfield, MI?48075

248-948-5100 direct

248-948-5101 fax

248-933-4339 cell

[email protected]




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Michael J. Acho is a registered representative of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp.

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