Weekly Market Review
Michael Acho
Guardian of the Wealth of the Most Productive People on Earth | Creating, Protecting and Distributing Wealth for Clients
Good afternoon,
In a what feels like déjà vu all over again, our esteemed Gov here in MI, and govs of several other states as well, have locked us down for 3 more weeks. At least.
Oh boy. I know I’m not alone in my covid fatigue, but this is really starting to wear me out. I don’t like it myself, and I feel for others who have it worse. Those of us who can are still working from home, kids are schooling from home. My dance team daughter is having virtual Zoom dance practices and her sister is a 12th grader who hasn’t stepped foot into school for even one minute of her senior year. What a bummer. The virus is still virusing and looks to be gaining momentum. In fact, I lost an aunt to covid complications last week. Countless other families have lost relatives as well. And millions and millions of people have lost their jobs, their businesses and/or their livelihoods for at least a while and maybe forever. Just terrible all around. I paid a visit to my favorite local cigar bar on Tuesday evening to support them in advance of their being closed again on Wednesday. But rather than focus on the negative, which is really easy to do these days, let’s look at a few positives. There are now 2 or 3 vaccines which appear to be within months of availability, that’s positive. The vast, vast, vast majority of people who get covid recover from it, that’s positive. We’ve all gotten better at virtual communication and productivity, that’s positive. The lockdowns have reminded us of how much we need person to person interaction as well as contact with nature and the outdoors, that’s positive. Several more states have approved cannabis use, that’s positive. Wait, did I say that out loud? Scratch that one. The gym is still open, that’s positive. And you knew this was coming, by most measures, markets are up for the year, see attached for the data, that’s positive. So as we approach Thanksgiving under unusual circumstances, let’s stay optimistic. One day soon, this too shall pass.
Quick poll question, and remember that I’m not a doc and don’t play one in the WMR so there is no right or wrong answer, but will you get a covid vaccine once it’s available? If you’d like to respond, I’ll report the results next week. Here is a recent poll asking that question, but don’t let the results determine your answer, https://news.gallup.com/poll/325208/americans-willing-covid-vaccine.aspx
Speaking of vaccines, I’ve mentioned one of my favorite and highly respected podcasters here before, Dr. Peter Attia. In this episode, he speaks with a highly respected expert on virology and vaccines, Dr. Paul Offit. Non partisan and not overly scientific but more than 90 minutes long. I found it interesting.
I sent this link out to another email chat that I’m on with the headline “here are 2 really smart docs discussing vaccines.”
“Oh, these guys are smart? Really Mike, all docs are smart or they wouldn’t be physicians,” was a reply.
Not even a little bit true, in my opinion. All docs are educated because they’ve earned their medical degree, but that doesn’t necessarily make them smart. I’ve met smart physicians and not so smart physicians. Just like I’ve met smart attorneys and not so smart attorneys. And I know some really really smart people who never even went to college so you might say that they have only limited formal educations. Just like in every walk of life, there is a bell curve. Some really smart people at one end, some really not so smart people at the other end and most of the rest living a life of quiet desperation in the middle. I happen to think these 2 particular doctors are smart because I listened to the entire episode and they convinced me of that. I present them here for readers to give a listen, or not, and come to their own conclusions. “Never let schooling interfere with your education.” – Mark Twain.
“Planning amid uncertainty”
“Post election investment solutions”
“How will a vaccine impact the market”
“Investing under a new administration”
And so forth and so on. The oft repeated themes of the incessant webinar invites that fill my email inbox every day. Yes, I get it, these are some weird times we’re in, but that doesn’t change the planning work I do for clients. We’re proactive, not reactive. That’s a much better idea.
Here is a sobering statistic, this study predicts that there may be 4 billion people overweight in 30 years. That’s almost half of the world’s population. Up from the 29% considered overweight today.
Wow. 4 billion. That’s a lot. But looking on the positive side, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are strategies that will avoid such an outcome. Just like there are strategies that will avoid running out of money before running out of time.
Quick shout out to my older cousin, not that much older really, whose daughter is pregnant with what will be his first grandchild. Wow! Congrats Cuz! But wait, I can’t start calling you grandpa or baba or whatever, what are we gonna do about that? I asked him.
“I’ve been giving that some thought,” he said. “You ever heard of the Negro league baseball player Cool Papa Bell?”
Sure I have. They say that Cool Papa Bell was so fast that when he went to sleep at night, he’d turn out the lights and be in bed before the room got dark.”
“Yep, that’s him. I’m gonna be Cool Papa Roy!”
I like it! Good choice.
This week’s chuckle is from Mark Rober on YouTube. He’s got some really interesting videos on his channel. I don’t think I’ve included this one before even though it’s several months old, but here is his squirrel obstacle course, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFZFjoX2cGg So clever. It makes me wonder how people come up with stuff like this.
Check out some of his other videos as well if you’re so inclined. Safe for work.
LF26 – “Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” – Bruce Lee
Have a great week and stay healthy.
The opinions expressed are those of Michael Acho and not necessarily those of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp. CRN-3339375-111920
Michael J. Acho, MBA, CFP?
Private Wealth Advisor
Lincoln Financial Advisors/Sagemark Consulting
1000 Town Center, 26th Floor
Southfield, MI 48075
248-948-5100 direct
248-948-5101 fax
248-933-4339 cell
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Michael J. Acho is a registered representative of Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp.
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