Weekly Intel: Show me the data
WEEK of 20 MAY 2024
It’s David. Welcome to Commonly Well’s new Weekly Intel Newsletter. The format is focused on providing you with insights and analysis from our diverse team of experts. Each week, we’ll analyze something happening in the industry, share recommendations for improving engagement and outcomes, introduce you to our customers, and there will be data.?
We really hope you like this format. Your input is always welcome.
Every newsletter will include a summary at the top. The summary is generated by our AI assistant named Kirby.?
The TLDR from Kirby: This week, we explore the concept of recovery capital and its measurable impact through the Recovery Capital Index, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in the field. We also highlight the intersection of recovery and health equity, featuring the One World Recovery Network's dedication to inclusivity and support. Additionally, we share insights from the NAATP National Conference and introduce Reconstruction Unlimited, a unique therapeutic ecosystem. Lastly, we report on the first decrease in U.S. overdose deaths in five years.
Today’s Intel is 995 words, a 4-minute read.?
Top Sheet: You say you’re building recovery capital, but can you prove it?
By David Whitesock, CEO
The concept of recovery capital is still emerging in the field – even after first being coined 25 years ago. But more and more agencies and funding entities are paying for providers to "build recovery capital." Every week there is a press release or news story announcing a funding award to an agency that states, "we will use this grant to build recovery capital."??
Organizations cannot just say this, they need to bring the evidence.??
Recovery capital is measurable. Using the Recovery Capital Index, any organization can systematically and longitudinally capture participant progress and easily report back to the funding agency, and more importantly, the public. This last part is important because it demonstrates two things: (1) You told the public you build recovery capital and you have the proof (or not); and (2) You are holding yourself accountable through transparent reporting, which builds credibility for you and a field challenged by stigma.??
Why this maters: We believe that greater transparency through data will improve the credibility of services, provide accountability, and move the needle on improved quality of care.?
Team Brief: The overlap of recovery and health equity
By Johanna Dolan, Head of Customer Success
The recovery process is hard enough. Unfortunately, we make it more difficult when we don't consider the wide variety of people's backgrounds and circumstances. Ensuring equal access to essential resources and support is crucial for everyone to begin and navigate their own journey of healing and recovery.?
I want to introduce you to the One World Recovery Network. OWRN is a Recovery Community Organization with a committed focus on health equity and recovery. OWRN has been around for 10 years and provides both peer supporters and employees training and programs to help you improve your capacity for inclusivity, diversity, equity, and empowerment.?
Why this matters: Life and recovery are not fair, but we get to choose to be fairer to all those we serve. If we want wellbeing to be common for all, we need to champion organizations like OWRN to "create a fairer and healthier world."?
Company Brief
Last week we were on the road in Denver at the NAATP National Conference. Steve Millette, our Head of Growth, welcomed attendees at our booth and caught up with some of our customers, like Jaywalker Lodge, Zia Recovery, and Hanley Foundation.?
Our CEO, David Whitesock, was also there to present a workshop on value-based care. David’s key advice: develop a long-term data and outcomes strategy and assign a diverse team to own the execution of that strategy. Align that strategy with your values and value will transpire.
We are starting a new video series to introduce you to our team. Every member of our team comes from a varied personal and professional background, and each has extensive expertise that is applied to our solutions. Check out our LinkedIn page or subscribe to our new YouTube Channel to hear insights and analysis and learn a little more about each of us.?
Customer Brief: Welcome Reconstruction Unlimited – a tailored therapeutic ecosystem
Unlimited change is possible through Reconstruction Unlimited’s unique blend of creativity, innovation, and proven coaching methodologies.
Commonly Well is honored to partner with Reconstruction Unlimited to support their bespoke programming delivered by eminently qualified coaches.
Reconstruction Unlimited chose Commonly Well to provide more reliable decision making and more precise directives for their client’s treatment planning. CEO Dane Ensley says:?
What sets Reconstruction Unlimited apart is their delivery of highly personalized solutions through a team of top-tier coaching professionals.?
Each program is meticulously crafted to address the individual's specific needs, ensuring empathetic and impactful interventions.?
Ongoing investments in staff and collaborators support a best-in-class team of leaders who are well supervised, trained, and experience the highest pay structures in the industry.
Reconstruction Unlimited was created "by coaches, for coaches" as a direct response to the subpar methods observed in the industry. Their visionary ethos not only aimed to craft bespoke solutions for clients but also to foster an environment where coaches could thrive and excel.
Learn more about Reconstruction Unlimited .??
The Data: Overdose deaths down for first time in 5 years
Overdose deaths in the U.S. did not go up but fell slightly for the first time in half a decade. The CDC tracks deaths due to drug overdoses, and the preliminary report showed calendar year 2023 deaths decreased from 2022.
Why this matters: This may be an indication – lagging as it is – that the tens of millions of Narcan or Naloxone doses distributed over the last few years are having an effect. 22 million doses of Narcan were distributed in 2023.??
Ready to apply Precision Recovery to your operations??
To measure outcomes and build a practice of recovery intelligence you need effective communications and easy to read data reporting and analytics. Connect today for a discovery call.