Weekly Highlights from a Past President of the International Association for the Study of Pain
Lars Arendt-Nielsen
Professor, dr med, ph d, Past President at International Association for the Study of Pain
As a Past President of the?International Association for the Study of Pain?(IASP) I am pleased to provide weekly updates on the most recent activities within the field.
In the following, I draw your attention to the wealth of activities and resources that IASP offers the global pain community.
IASP News - This Week:
IASP 2023 Global Year Fact Sheets – Now Available!
The IASP 2023 Global Year for Integrative Pain Care aims to raise awareness about integrative pain care
IASP Journals:
PAIN is an official journal of IASP. Published monthly,?PAIN?presents original research on the nature, mechanisms, and treatment of pain
Pain interference in young adulthood and work participation. Pooleri et al. PAIN.?April. 164(4):831-837.
PAIN Reports is an official IASP publication. An online, open access, multidisciplinary journal,?PAIN Reports?promotes a global, rapid, and readily accessible forum that advances clinical, applied, and basic research
Take a look at the latest articles from PAIN Reports by visiting here.
IASP Pain Research Forum:
The IASP Pain Research Forum (PRF) is an interactive community of pain researchers working to understand the basic neurobiology of pain
PRF News: PRF’s professional science journalists cover the latest topics in pain research each and every week for thousands of readers throughout the world.
DID YOU MISS? Demographic and Sociological Approaches to Population Pain: Trends, Disparities, and the Role of Upstream Factors
Join PRF and IASP’s Social Aspects of Pain Special Interest Group as we convene for a webinar examining the demographic and sociological aspects of chronic pain
PRF Papers of the Week: PRF’s weekly review of the scientific literature on pain. This week’s highlighted papers:
Prefrontal engrams of long-term fear memory perpetuate pain perception. Stegemann et al. Nat Neurosci. 6 April 2023.
Identification of an essential spinoparabrachial pathway for mechanical itch. Ren et al. Neuron. 30 March 2023.
A sensory neuron-specific long noncoding RNA reduces neuropathic pain by rescuing KCNN1 expression. Wang et al. Brain. 4 April 2023.
Role of TMEM100 in mechanically insensitive nociceptor un-silencing. Nees et al. Nat Commun. 5 April 2023.
RELIEF?is the?IASP Pain Research Forum’s companion site for patients and the wider public. RELIEF aims to provide anyone touched by or interested in chronic pain with knowledge and information
Many physicians are now beginning to prescribe one kind of treatment after an ER visit that can deliver significant pain relief, can have almost no side effects, and be even cheaper in the long term – physiotherapy.