Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 31 July

Weekly Grain Traded CGX - 31 July

Demand remains in volatile market

Many Australian #grain prices managed to make further gains last week.

26 grades of #wheat, #barley, #canola, #lupins and #oats traded across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia through Clear Grain Exchange (CGX) with many trading at higher values than the previous week.

International futures markets remain volatile with the increased aggression from Russia seeing more bombings on Ukrainian grain infrastructure at port.

This is happening when the global wheat supply and demand balance sheet remains relatively tight historically.

Hence Australian grain is needed and remains in demand.

Last week saw many Australian prices push higher in the middle of the week before buyers cooled on their price expectations and #growers generally held firm on their sales price targets at higher values.

Wheat made up 67% of all grain traded through CGX last week with 12 grades purchased by 20 buyers across all states of Australia. More buyers were searching for wheat offered for sale.

17 buyers purchased barley through the exchange last week with 7 grades of feed and malt accounting for 28% of all grain traded last week.

Canola continues to be in demand with values improving in many areas, while lupins hit $370/t in Kwinana and oats $380/t last week.

The igrain market traded #faba beans in South Australia, oats in NSW, and feed barley across NSW and VIC with plenty of buyers looking to secure parcels of wheat also through the week.

Demand remains robust across Australia for all grades and commodities. If you have a price in mind be sure to offer your grain for sale on CGX or igrain so all buyers can see it and try to buy it. That's how you create demand for your grain.

Click to see the full report on CGX and login to your CGX or igrain accounts to see more price information.

We have lupin beans , soybeans and caster oil to export from Ethiopia, if interested, contact me by my email - [email protected]



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