Weekly Digest
It’s hard not to sound like a broken record when talking about the labor market. Each report or presentation begins with a version of “once again, job gains exceeded expectations last month.” The same is true for February, when we added 275,000 new jobs, well above the 200,000 expected.
Recently, at a conference, I had two conversations with TA candidates in the market with similar themes: They were told what would happen next after interviewing but not followed up with. At all.
Does your Talent Acquisition Program have an effective Go-To-Market (GTM) Recruitment Strategy? If your answer is no, especially for those working for smaller brands, read on to learn why this is a missed opportunity! A concise GTM approach that promotes your Employer Brand will enhance the company’s “Curb Appeal” and provide a competitive advantage in the market. Focusing on differentiating your organization from competitors in your ecosystem is vital.