Weekly Design Links – 02/21/23
I finally got around to posting?my 2022 book review post. It’s not as comprehensive as I would have liked, but rather than waiting for 3 months to pass, I opted for getting something up over making something perfect. Perfect is a lie anyway.
Graphic Design/Branding
Just check out that drop shadow
Web Design/UX/UI
Tutorials interrupt users, don’t necessarily improve task performance, and are quickly forgotten. Contextual help signals can avoid these pitfalls but require unintrusive ways to activate
It wasn’t just a cheap, pre-baked animation, though; it was one of the pinnacles of the skeuomorphic aesthetic
The musings of a designer on loves about design and learned what he’s along the way
Industrial Design
Holding a 75 kWh bank of EV batteries, allowing wanderers of the road to recharge their EV batteries with nary a charging station in site
Data Visualization
From the Milky Way to the edge of what can be seen
This is not ‘The Last of Us’ related
Diatype’s friendlier cousin with rounded terminals in both standard and mono styles
Kassi??is a condensed typeface inspired by the scientific and mathematical world
Construct the computer from your childhood or build an entire computer museum at home with these paper models, free to download and share
If you like pictures as much as I do, check out this post on my blog.