Weekly Design Links – 01/23/24
Some weeks there is just a lot out there. Maybe it’s the energy of the new year, maybe it’s random. Either way, enjoy the link bounty.
The Top 100 winners gallery of Close-up Photographer of the Year 5 (2023)
Cole kept this body of work largely secretive, and it was thought to be lost until 2017 when it turned up in Sweden. And now for the first time, the images are compiled in a book published by Aperture
The Birdsong Project: Art Print Portfolio is available now via Fairey’s Subliminal Projects shop with proceeds benefitting the National Audubon Society.
This video from MoMA follows master printer Jacob Samuel as he makes his final print before he retires.
Creating ultra-realistic Japanese buildings?
We caught up with designer Alexandria Vernon.
Industrial Design
Look closer and you’ll notice the compact, thermoformed stitch-less form that gives an effortlessly sleek, elevated look to a daily necessity.
Clever package design from Mongolia’s Fusion beer
The floor is made up of small circular pieces that shift and rotate as the user walks upon it, allowing for omnidirectional movement.
Web Design/UX/UI
A non-exhaustive list of UX books that are not getting enough attention
A tool for web designers.
A stand-alone café in Chonburi, a famous beachside town in Thailand.
On the one hand, it is the high place next to the BMX field for the referee stands on the high point to watch and judge the game, and the vision should be broad enough. At the same time, the BMX grandstands project is also a development opportunity for the countryside in the post-race era, introducing new people into the countryside.
The Emoji Kitchen is a Google feature that allows Android users to send merged or elaborated sticker versions of Google’s emoji designs.
All this, plus pictures, on my blog.