Weekly Design Links – 01/10/23
A new year, new links, and some minor adjustments to the format. I took last week off–it was needed. There’s a lot going on in my world, maybe I’ll share in the near future, but I was distracted. Plus, it was the holidays. We all need a break sometimes. I hope you all had some time off and got a chance to breathe for a second.
Design Events Guide 2023 - A comprehensive guide to design happenings all over the globe.
12 universal design principles - Every good manifesto has its core principles
Colorca - Design an accessible color palette for digital products in HSLuv color space
Web Design/UX/UI
Can I get an Encore? Spotify’s Design System, Three Years On - Once again proving that design systems have a life of their own
4 Common Ways Companies Alienate People with Disabilities - Set it and forget it is not a strategy for accessibility
What is a Design System? - 6 different types of design systems
Typewolf - What’s Trending in Type
Mona & Hubot Sans - Two variable, open source fonts from Github
A Japanese Manga Artist’s House / Tan Yamanouchi & AWGL - This looks very skate-able and the inside is very cool too
Industrial Design
Unveiled at 2023 tokyo auto salon, damd’s kit converts suzuki minivan into defender-style camper - Japan + Mini + Camper x Style
Sophie Moran - Is pottery industrial design or craft?
Bringing Characters To Life: An Artist’s Humanistic Interpretation Of Popular Characters - I like the original Shaggy better
All these links and the images that make them sing, live on my blog.