Weekly Bulletin #15-2023
Nadine Laurence Dulac √
Low-Carbon Transition, Circular Waste Management, and Extended Producer Responsibility: A Global Perspective: France, the European Union (EU), the United States, rural and urban Africa.
Towards an International Treaty on Plastic Pollution: Issues, Options, Negotiating Positions from the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (EESC) and before INC 2 meetings. More to read: https://www.vie-publique.fr/rapport/288997-vers-un-traite-international-sur-la-pollution-par-les-plastiques
France and Germany are the only countries implementing independent initiatives to tackle the contribution of online vendors (so called ecommerce) to their national EPR system. More to read: https://www.ecosistant.eu/en/packaging-law-france/
France has set the trajectory to reach 10% of packaging reused in 2027, pursuant to Article 67 of the Anti-waste for a Circular Economy Act (AGEC). This proportion is the trajectory expected to reach 5% of reused packaging in 2023 (in sales units, compared?to single-use packaging), then 10% in 2027. ?The text applies to companies that place more than 10,000 packages on the market per year. Eco-organisms must also apply eco-modulations based on reuse and contribute to the development of re-use solutions, in particular by financing them. With regard to reuse trajectories, the decree sets a first applicable to producers whose annual turnover is greater than €50 million (M€) with ‘no target for 2022’, then at least 5% of reused or reused packaging to be placed on the market in 2023, 6% in 2024, 7% in 2025, 8% in 2026 and 10% in 2027. In 2025, companies with a turnover of between €20 million and €50 million are concerned. Finally, in 2026, it will be the turn of companies with a turnover of less than €20 million to be concerned. More to read: https://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/decret-trajectoire-emballages-reemployes-reutilises-2027-39455.php4
Eco modulation criteria for EPR WEEE is quite innovative in France and EPR stakeholders do not agree on whether eco modulation criteria should cover Waste Prevention, however, since 2020, eco-modulation is becoming an economic instrument to support multiple design strategies that can help close resource flows: repair and maintenance; reuse and redistribution; renovation and reconditioning; recycling. Design strategies thus tend to cover multiple objectives: incorporating recycled materials, extending life-time usage, facilitating recycling and dismantling, improving repairability and maintainability, eliminating pollutants, and so on. More to read: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959652620357607?fr=RR-2&ref=pdf_download&rr=7b84f3a85f9406df
The REEECYC’LAB tool is an?educational tool to understand, assess and improve the recyclability of electrical and electronic equipment. It enables a diagnosis specific to the analyzed product to be made, as part of a global eco-design strategy. The high added value of the tool is that it is based on a significant data set relating to the entire sector. The data was collected by ecosystem? thanks to their central position between producers and recyclers. The tool uses a database ecosystem? has developed that refers to more than 60 materials and covers all operations, from the collection of equipment to the final destination of the materials. The tool also uses data collected following feedback from recyclers on processing difficulties related to the design of certain products. In practice, members enter information about the materials, components and assembly of their products More to read: https://reeecyclab.ecosystem.eco/?locale=en ???
French EPR streams mechanisms such as the accreditation of the coordinating body and the costs of inter-sector communication actions. Where several eco-organizations are approved for the same category of products, they may be required to set up a coordinating body responsible (joint work of eco-organizations and allocating their obligations). There is also an order setting the tariff for the fee relating to inter-sector communication actions of extended producer responsibility (focusing on waste prevention and management and being carried out by the Ministry of the Environment) that are covered by a fee paid by eco-organizations and individual systems.?For the services relating to the communication actions provided for the year 2021 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the rates of the fee are 0.231% of the contributions received in 2020 by each of the eco-organizations and producers in individual system for their approved activity. More to read: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000044318074
In France, it is essentially ADEME that helps companies to develop eco-design approaches, as part of individual or collective operations. ADEME also finances research and development programs and provides tools and methods. In addition, it launches by itself or co-finances life cycle assessment studies in a wide variety of fields: biofuels, distribution channels, packaging, waste treatment channels. In addition, many bodies play an important role in promoting eco-design: the network of chambers of commerce and industry, competitiveness clusters, technical centers and various associations. Eco-design is practiced by large companies, SMEs and VSEs, professional organizations, technical centers. These organizations implement it themselves or with the help of specialized consultants. The practice of eco-design is closely linked to?life cycle analysis?and requires a good understanding of its concepts. But it is possible to do eco-design without carrying out a life cycle analysis study. Eco-design is also the basis of various public or private tools, such as?labels?and public procurement. More to read: https://presse.ademe.fr/2022/10/lecoconception-une-demarche-benefique-pour-lenvironnement-et-la-competitivite-des-entreprises.html
The?Brasseries de Bourbon?(producing the emblematic Reunionese beer) has set up an efficient network for the collection, reuse and recycling of DODO glass bottles. With 40 million Dodo bottles collected and reused each year, it contributes to the circular economy, save more than 7500 tons of glass every year, support the 10 collection companies and allow the 1000 bottle collectors to benefit from additional income. More to read: https://www.cetanou.com/recyclage-consigne-verre-ile-reunion/
Establishment of a National Observatory for Reuse and Reuse Ambitions, challenges and missions of the National Observatory for Reuse and Reuse. The National Observatory of Reuse and Reuse aims to be both a place of?sharing and capitalization of knowledge, but also a place of?expertise?and?decision-making support?in terms of reuse and reuse. This Observatory is entrusted to ADEME and positioned within the Directorate of EPR schemes monitoring. More to read: https://expertises.ademe.fr/economie-circulaire/filieres-a-responsabilite-elargie-producteurs-rep/observatoire-national-reemploi-reutilisation
South Africa
Naspers, and its subsidiary businesses,?Takealot and Media24, have joined the?South African Plastics Pact,?an industry collaboration of packaging producers, brand owners, retailers, recyclers, governments and NGOs to tackle plastic packaging waste by creating a circular economy for plastics. The?SA Plastics Pact?was launched in 2020 as part of The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy initiative. It is managed by green economy non-profit, GreenCape and currently has 44 members representing key organizations across the plastics value chain, including Unilever, Woolworths, Clicks, Food Lovers Market, Spar and Pick n Pay, among others. More to read: https://techfinancials.co.za/2023/04/05/naspers-takealot-and-media24-join-the-south-african-plastics-pact-to-reduce-plastic-waste-across-value-chain/
In the world
The circular economy is attracting new investors to the African continent. This is the case of Ecoslops and Parlym, which have just entered into a partnership with the aim of co-investing in the recycling of automotive engine oils. More to read: https://www-afrik21-africa.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.afrik21.africa/afrique-ecoslops-et-parlym-sallient-pour-le-recyclage-des-huiles-de-vidange/amp/
Eco design in Europe & the draft regulation for the eco-design of sustainable products: as part of its Sustainable Products Initiative, the European Commission adopted on 30 March 2022 a proposal for a Regulation on eco-design for sustainable products (so called COM(2022) 142). Now the regulation is at the Council of the European Union under negotiation and should be adopted by the end of 2023. ?The proposition will replace the existing Directive by significantly broadening its scope, both in terms of the types of products concerned and as regards the eco-design criteria. Thus, sectoral measures may be adopted regulating several aspects of a product such as its carbon footprint, durability, recycled content or the presence of harmful chemical substances. The draft regulation, which also aims to set up a digital product passport and better regulate the destruction practices of unsold new products. More to read: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CONSIL:ST_7289_2023_INIT&from=EN
The European Union has positioned itself front and center in the fight against climate change and has set Europe on course to carbon neutrality by 2050. This ambitious objective set up by the Climate Law echoes the European Green Deal and Circular Economy action plan to transition Europe towards a resource efficient and climate neutral economy. The Waste management sector fully supports these necessary ambitions and responds today by quantifying the potential of avoided CO2 emissions from activities along the entire waste management chain within the EU economy by 2035. To begin this research FEAD formed a group with three other European Waste Management Associations: CEWEP, RDF Industry Group, and DWMA, fully representing the entire waste management chain from collection to recycling, recovery and disposal. Jointly they pursued the project of a unique study covering the EU27 and the UK to show the potential of improved waste management performances over the next 20 years. Two renowned research organizations, Prognos and CE Delft were commissioned to carry out a study on nine specific waste streams and residual waste, that were deemed to have the highest potential in CO2 reductions; the baseline used for the study are figures from 2018, amounting to 505 Mt of waste, equivalent to 20% of the waste generated in the EU. The study showed in the end that the potential of avoided CO2 emissions is truly impressive under two scenarios envisaged for 2035. By successfully applying current waste legislation (projection 1), we would significantly improve our CO2 avoidance potential to -137 Mt CO2eq, delivering a saving of 150 Mt CO2eq. With more ambitious performances (projection 2), the CO2 net emission avoidance would reach -283 Mt CO2eq, which would result in savings of 296 Mt CO2eq. These results consider the CO2 savings from the manufacturing and energy sectors that rely on recyclates and waste-to-energy instead of virgin materials and fossil fuels. More te read: https://www.cewep.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/CO2-Study_Final_202201.pdf
Recommendations for an ambitious revision of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR): ?Zero Waste Europe welcomes the overall ambition of the European Commission’s to encourage prevention and reuse of waste for the first time for a wide range of packaging types, in line with the waste hierarchy. Up to now, most EU policies have been focusing on managing waste (recycling) rather than avoiding its generation in the first place. That approach led to an ever growing level of packaging waste generation.?This position paper present general and topic specific recommendations, among others (i) glass packaging must be part of a deposit-return system (DRS) to achieve the 90% separate collection target, (ii) need for economic incentives for systems for reuse such as revenues coming from dedicated EPR fees to finance reuse infrastructure, based on what France is doing (obligation to dedicate part of the EPR budget to meet the 5% target of reusable packaging) with a target increase to 20% of EPR fees. More to read: ?https://zerowasteeurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Position-Paper-PPWR-2.pdf
Circular Economy Specialist
1 年You mention the circular economy is attracting new investors to the African continent. Good to see that the world is starting to see the potential of Africa, but this needs to scale up dramatically past the odd low-hanging fruit options. Also needs to drive local innovation. The example stated here is recycling automotive oils. We have designed our own systems and there are multiple technologies available from the Global South...
Geo-environmental site engineer and waste management
1 年As always an in-depth review of a decision and the target dates I see on implementation of any waste regulation always brings a wry smile to my face. The technology and replacement packaging is available now so why the staggered implemention dates? It’s purely down to offering a buffer for deferring costs rather then biting the bullet now. It’s not as though any company let alone the “larger” ones are not aware of the trajectory of packaging clampdown and so should have prepared for it.