Weekly Ag Update

Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting; [email protected]; August 17, 2023

?Weather has been kind to our “neck of the woods” with moderate temperatures and rainfall.?Although I have still not heard a fall frost forecast, the weather seems to feel more like late September at times.?Beth Hall from Purdue University expects seasonable temperature to continue.??Growing degree day (heat unit) totals for 2023, and since March 1, as measured at the MSU Enviroweather station at Applewood Orchards in Deerfield increased 123 units this past week, from 1966 GDD last week to 2098 GDD this week.?2023 is still the lowest, with 2213.3 GDD as the six-year average heat units. ?Rainfall amounts have increased to 12.83 inches, compared to 12.55 inches last year and a previous five-year average rainfall of 13.83 inches.?????

Corn yield estimates can now be made in the field for farmers wanting to estimate their storage and harvest plans.?Google “estimating corn yield in the field” or watch for a “slide rule” type estimator if some seed companies have them out at fall field days.?They do make some assumptions of kernels and ear weight, but are still a reliable estimating tool.?Going into fields also allows estimates of disease pressure, stalk strength, maturity, access weed escapes, etc.?Now is also a good time to make initial plans for 2024 varietal characteristics desired.?Last week and this week I have seen a number of corn plants, of several varieties, with double ears and the second ear should/ could add to the yield if the late season doesn’t have any problems, such as an early frost, hail or high winds.?

?Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) of soybeans is more common although not the problem the name may imply.?Varieties have varying tolerances so shop for varieties next year with some resistance.?This disease is easy to diagnose by simply splitting the stem and looking for a brown discoloration, which would be Brown Stem Rot.?If the inside of the stem is a creamy, off-white color, then the disease is SDS.

?Soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) is a “hidden yield robber” as they live below ground, making detection harder than above ground insects or diseases. SCN is the number one pest of soybeans in Monroe County, Michigan and the U.S.?One topic at the August 31 Farmer Field Day will be using novel approaches to managing this pest.?SCN is a manageable pest such that even past Michigan soybean yield contest winners had this pest, yet still had top soybean yields. ?Ben Steyer of the Michigan Soybean Committee will report at the August 31 Farmer Field Day at MCCC and if they still pay for SCN analysis for Michigan soybean farmers.

?Adult Hover flies and sweat bees seem to be common as they “feed” on sweaty skin (they actually lap up sweat for the moisture and salt from our skin).?Hover flies feed on pollen, and although a nuisance, are beneficial insects as their larvae feed on soft bodied insects like aphids.?

?Fall Garden Time is now for those who like growing your own produce.?Eating the freshest strawberries, tomatoes and other produce from the garden has a wonderful taste and the next day you go back and pick the freshest for that day.?Starting vegetables from seed is easy as the soil may well be warmer than the air.?“Cool season” vegetables that are very hardy will tolerate some light frost and includes; lettuce, onions, peas, spinach, turnips, collards among others.?Hardy vegetables will tolerate colder weather but may be injured or killed by frost and includes beets, carrots, chard, radishes and parsnips, among others.?Often garden soils can be improved by adding untreated grass clippings, leaves and even a cover crop such as oats.?The Monroe Extension office has soil test kits for homeowners and may even still have a soil probe to loan out with a deposit.

?Upcoming Events

August 23, 2023?????????Between the Corn Rows Tour at the Dan Trinkle farm, 501 South Parker Road, Ann Arbor.?6pm.?Sponsored by the Corn Marketing Program of Michigan.????

August 29-31, 2023???Farm Progress Show, Decatur, IL.?$ fee

August 31, 2023?????????Farmer Field Day at MCCC Student Ag Farm.?10am to 3pm.?4 RUP credits, catered lunch.?Free, but RSVP to Monroe County Farm Bureau 734-269-3275.

August 31, 2023?????????Setting the Stage for Record Breaking Wheat Yield webinar. 7-8am.?MSU Field Crops.?Sign up at 810-667-0341.

August 31, 2013?????????Northwest Ohio Agronomic Field Day.?8:30 to noon.?Free.?419-354-9050.

September 7, 2023?????Marketing your Grain Crops webinar. 7-8am.?MSU Field Crops.?Sign up at 810-667-0341.

September 14, 2023???Monitoring Nematode Resistance in Soybeans webinar.?7-8am. MSU Field Crops.?Sign up at 810-667-0341.

September 16, 2023???Hazardous Waste Collection.?8am-12pm.?Indian Creek Park, Bedford Twp.

September 19-21, 2023 Farm Science Review.?Molly Caren Agricultural Center.?London, OH.???

$ fee.

September 27, 2023???Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day.?OSU Wooster campus.?Contact Crystal at 419-840-2128.



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    Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting;…

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    Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting;…

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    Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting;…

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    Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting;…

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    Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting;…

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    Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting;…

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    Weekly Ag Update

    Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting;…

  • Weekly Ag Update

    Weekly Ag Update

    Weekly Field Crop IPM Report; By Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus/ Spartan Agricultural Consulting;…
