Ben Mahrle
Founder of Mountain States Business Brokers & Advisors, A Division of Front Range Business Brokers
Just Get it Over With
We all have things to do that we absolutely dread, and we just keep putting them off. Professional procrastination sets in, and the dread monster just grows, and grows, and grows until it appears as a fire-breathing dragon. Sound familiar? I’ve been there many times.
I am sure that if you think back, you will notice that many of these dragons seem to multiply. That’s because we spend so much time dreading that we don’t get other things done and they join the other dragons. In most cases it tends to be the trivial things that we put off. It’s the “that won’t take long, I’ll do it later” stuff. Sometimes it is a big project, too. Those are the most dangerous ones.
Here’s what I have found that works for me: If it will take 2 minutes or less, do it now. Dragon egg gone. If it’s a big project, at least set aside a short period of time to get started. Do some research on the topic. Get some advice from a mentor or someone who has experience. You have taken the first step on the thousand-mile journey. That way you will be eating dragon eggs for breakfast instead of being eaten by the dragon later.
May your dragons all be small.