The Fast-Moving World

Are you, like most of us, totally overwhelmed with news, rumors, opinions, and wondering where it will all end? We are bombarded on every side from billboards along the highway to “emergency” warnings on our cell phones about impending disasters all over the spinning rock we call Earth. Will it ever end?

Ask yourself two questions: 1- Does it affect me directly, and 2- can I do anything about it? I’ll bet that 99.9% of the time you will get two “no” answers. A kidnapping in Bangladesh, although tragic and certainly an ordeal for those involved, probably has absolutely no relevance to you today, or ever. But you are wrong. It has now entered your subconscious as a true fact, even if the story is quietly retracted tomorrow. Yes, it does have a very subtle and dangerous affect on you unless you recognize it as superfluous to you directly and tell yourself so. Cancel the thought and move on.

So, what can we do about it? Cheer up and remember that you are a free spirit with unlimited ability to act for yourself and not as someone else wants you to act. Or better yet, change the channel you are listening to to something positive about your current situation that you CAN do something about.

May you always find a more joyful source of information.


