Weekend Still Chasing your dreams? Why not?!

Weekend Still Chasing your dreams? Why not?!

Weekend Still Chasing your dreams? Why not?!

Life is a choice. You want to work, chase your dreams or on vacation all the time yes also own choice. Of course, you can not choose what kind of birth in the family, but if in the end you will be successful or not, yes it is your own choice.

So, today is the weekend. Today, a day off. But Richie Norton, CEO Consulting Circle in the US there said, "Entrepreneurs do not have weekends or holidays or birthdays. Every day is my weekend, my birthday, my holiday. OR, every day is my work day. Mostly it's a choice ".

Yes, life is once again yes option. I have chosen to become entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and the public is no longer a luxury for me. If you are an employee, if it's Sunday, of course you can be a full two-day holiday. But when you're a businessman, and the company still had to walk then there may be days when you do not think about the company.

Every day ended up being a weekday. Oo..so when is your holiday? The basic question is, what is the essence of a vacation? Is it a time share vacation with family or lazy? Well, if the essence is to share time with my family, so every day can too. It's just a question of priorities, and how we can bring some quality time alone.

Being entrepreneurs also sacrifice because every day, even weekends though, I have to think about business development. However, if the effort is successful then it is not only of great significance for ESL Express but also for the families of our employees. So, blessed are we who still work at the weekend. Happy Sunday all. / ESL

amazing woman Ibu Eka Sari...



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