Weekend Jobs Only
Welcome to the Odd Jobs newsletter. Today's theme = jobs that are for the weekend only. For more issues of the newsletter, subscribe here.
Everybody is working for the weekend.
That’s how the song goes. So many of you have the kind of jam-packed weeks where the thought of taking on another job, even if it’s super odd and dreamy, is just so not do-able.
A lot of the clients I?coach?have full-time gigs but want to start something on their own too.
They often say this:
“When I come home after work, the last thing I want to do is work on my side hustle. I want to eat dinner, lounge on the couch, and turn my brain off.”
I get that. We all need to press the pause button on our minds and give it a break.
That’s why the word hustle is so flawed. It makes people think they can’t ever stop. They have to work all day, every day, and that breaks are for people who are not serious enough.
The truth is:
It’s not about hustle, it’s about hard work.
And for hard work to happen, you need a break.
If you are someone who is tapped out during the week but still wants to do something odd on the weekends, I have some gnarly options for you whether you want to make an extra $100 of $1,000 just by putting in some time on a Saturday or Sunday.
Below are the curated weekend odd jobs I put together for you. Each is ranked on a level of 1-5 in terms of effort it would take to do this gig.
1= Can do this from the couch while watching Netflix semi-hungover
2= Can do this from the kitchen table while drinking coffee on a Sunday
3= Need to shower and do your hair for this job
4= Requires you to leave the house
5=A lot of work, but a good pay-out or at least fun.
I also shared how much cash you could make.
So if you’re looking to work a normal job M-F and do something odd and exhilarating on the weekends, try one of these cool jobs.
A Hired Friend
Get paid to be someone’s friend for the weekend. Whether that’s as a?hired bridesmaid?for weddings,?a hired “wing-person”,?or a?social buddy?- which is a service where people hire you to go out with them and make them feel comfortable in conversations.
Level of work: 5
Pay:?Ranging from $25/hour - $2,500+ a weekend.
Food Trucks
If you have a funky food idea that you want to drive around and sell, you can consider starting your own food truck business. This will require a bit of capital to get going but could pay off big if you’re in an area with lots of events, parks, or gatherings where people are craving something delicious. To get started, get yourself a gig as a food truck worker, helping out somebody else.
Level of work:?5
Pay:?The average food truck salary in the USA is?$70,000 per year?or $35.90 per hour. Entry level positions start at $52,146 per year while most experienced workers make up to $80,000 per year.
7 Most Profitable Food Truck Items
Sign Spinner
If you like being outdoors and have decent coordination, get yourself a weekend gig as a sign spinner to help a business advertise their goods or service.
Level of work:?4
Pay:?The average sign spinner salary in the USA is?$28,275 per year?or $14.50 per hour. Entry level positions start at $23,400 per year while most experienced workers make up to $35,100 per year.
Hot Air Balloon Operator
Okay, you need a?license?for this gig but how fun would this be to take people out on a HOT AIR BALLOON every weekend? You’d be so many people’s heroes. You could work for an existing hot air balloon company or start your own.
Level of work:?5
Pay:?The salaries of Balloon Pilots in the US range from $34,800 to $147,890 , with a median salary of $76,150 . The middle 60% of Balloon Pilots makes $76,150, with the top 80% making $147,890.
Bicycle Tour Guide
If you love in a city that tourists adore and are often visiting, consider starting a weekend bicycle tour. This is a fun way to show other’s the city and you can stop along the way at hot spots and yummy restaurants. You’d either need to work for an existing company or start your own (and invest cash in getting the bikes, permits, and advertising).
Level of work:?5
Pay:?Varies but could charge $50-$250/per person to go on the tour.
Survey Taker
A decent way to make some cash on a rainy Sunday is to become a survey taker. Get paid to press buttons and lend your opinion. Is it really that easy? Yes.
Level of work: 2
Pay: $10-$50 a survey
Empty House Sitter
Want a break from your home on the weekends? One of the sweetest weekend gigs is to be a house sitter. People will hire you to watch over their house, water plants, and just make sure their property is safe. This is the gig to do if you want to make cash without doing too much.
Level of work:?1
Pay:?$25 - $45 per day & sometimes you get to stay in the house for the weekend.
Mystery Shopper
Spending the weekend shopping at stores already? Get paid to do that as a mystery shopper. You can get paid to shop and give feedback after you’re done. Typically, you’ll be asked to make a purchase, and then you’ll be reimbursed.?Market Force?and?IntelliShop?are two free platforms you can use to get started.
Level of work: 4