A Weekend of ****ing Putin...

A Weekend of ****ing Putin...

Well we had an absolute blast running our second CTF, The **** *** ***** CTF, to raise money for humanitarian efforts for Ukraine.

TL;DR... CTF was mint. Cezar won. We raised a shit ton of money for an awesome charity. Next CTF is in October and will be a teams event. We'll share more info over the coming weeks.

Charity Fundraising Update

So first up... the final total we rang in for charity is £1,354! We’re so excited to be able to send that cash straight to British-Ukrainian Aid to help them provide much needed assistance to the most vulnerable refugees, including orphaned children and families who have lost their breadwinner.

We’re extremely thankful for the work they’re doing and super grateful to everyone who donated cash, bought stickers, and shared our social posts to help us reach this fantastic amount!?

CTF Round-Up

Great weekend of CTFing put on by the team here at Capture the Talent. Yes, when I say team, I really mean Shaun did all the work while I faffed about on social media (as usual), but it was absolutely fantastic to see how everyone got involved with the challenges, and the Discord chat was awesome. I absolutely love the little community that we’ve built!?

We're pleased to announce that the winner of the CTF was none other than the wonderful K3N4D4M5 (aka Cezar). Considering this was only his second go at a CTF challenge, it’s awesome to see the dedication and effort that he put in to solving some of the tasks.

The top three was rounded off with Darkshell and Grimsas and it really was a close call in the last couple of hours. Huge well done to all the participants, and thank you so much for getting involved over the weekend!?

One clever soul, Shaun Dixon (aka Meisty), has handily put together a GitHub repository of the write-ups they did which you can access here: https://github.com/meisty/CTF/tree/main/f_putin... so if you're interested in the kinds of challenges we put on for our CTFers, check these out!

We'll be sharing some of the players' write-ups on our blog at www.capturethetalent.co.uk/blog and here on LinkedIn over the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes peeled for those! And once again, thank you to everyone for participating!

CTF News

We always like to have a new event on the go and we really do love running CTFs but... the time and resources attributed to this, as well as our day jobs don't allow us to do them as much as we'd like.

Shaun loves creating the challenges and seeing everyone's reactions, feedback and good-natured approach to them because it really is inspiring. The lightbulb moments for people when they're in the chat is brilliant.

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As such we'd like to give you and the wider community an opportunity to contribute to our next CTF. When the target is reached, we can get to work on creating the challenges. The sooner this is done, the better -in theory - the CTF will be. So, if you want to get involved with our next CTF on October 29th 2022, then you can get your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/capture-the-talent-the-crowd-funded-capture-the-flag-aka-ctttcfctf-tickets-313023992187

This next event will be a TEAMS event - i.e. you'll be able to play in groups rather than individual. If you don't have any team mates in mind yet, never fear, we have a great Discord community you can join to come and find some folks to join forces with!

Awesome Links for YOU to Get Involved!


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